several books including what we are here to discuss this evening, "what they saw in america, alexis de tocqueville, max weber, gk chesterton, saint copy." -- sayyid qutb." this will wrap up a year-long study on american political culture inspired by de tocqueville's "democracy in america." dr. nolan holds a master degree and doctoral degrees from the university of virginia. his teaching and research interests: the general areas of laws in society, -- interests fall in the general areas of loss and society and others. he has received several awards including the national endowment for the humanities scholarship and a fulbright scholarship. we look forward to dr. williams engaginglan's discussion on dark strands and bright threads, what they saw in america. he has agreed to take questions following his remarks. these wait for one of our mcconnell scholars to bring you the microphone when you are asking your question. i invite to join me -- i now invite you to please join me in welcoming dr. nolan to the podium. [applause] you, will, and thank you, dr. greg, for sponsoring and inviting me to be here.