let us thank the wonderful, the vivacious, courageous alexis herman for all that she has done. thank you. >> thank you, harry. i want to give a special thank you to my husband, and one more time, let's thank our captain of this ship, harry johnson. thank you so much. we are going to close out as we began, in prayer. bernice already took us to church, but we are going to have our benediction by our chaplain, cynthia hale. thank you so much. >> will you stand, all over the building, and pray with me. great and of some god, what a glorious time this has been of remembering, honoring, and celebrating the women of the civil rights movement who dared to dream of liberty and justice for all. we have remembered the women who for the most part remained in the shadows, being rarely ate knowledge, but who risk their lives and work tirelessly to achieve a social revolution in our nation. we have honored the sisters to organize the movement, arranged carpools, marched in the streets, spearheaded campaigns for voter registration, demonstrated an educated sometimes quietly, but always holding