it is my privilege to bring you the alfred boeddeker clubhouse lease agreement. you can't talk about the clubhouse unless you talk about the park. boeddeker park is the largest park in the tenderloin neighborhood. it serves a community that is dense and diverse and in a neighborhood where grass and gardens are at a premium and for many of the population, this is the largest park they have access to. the previous version of this park, general manager ginsberg has a spoiler in there that is beautiful. the previous version of this park was a park that was absolutely designed to fail. it was a park that had a road through the middle for police to drive through, it was brick, it was steel, it had a clubhouse that was a bunker tucked into a corner into it. it was everything a park shouldn't be. in 2000, the public parks raised $2 million in public and private funding and did an amazing transformation of the park. it is absolutely completely different. we began, so as the construction back in 2013, we expect to have completion december 10, 2014, right around the corner.