$3,350,000 from the trust for public land for the design and construction of improvements to father alfred e. boeddeker park for the period of august 13, 2012, through march 3, 2014. >> colleagues, same house same call? this resolution is adopted. item 24. >> item 24 is an ordinance amending the planning and administrative codes to correct errors; make language revisions and updates; revise graphics to be consistent with text; amend fees to be charged for certain kinds of applications and appeals; clarify the meaning of certain planning code sections; amend the zoning map to remove the incorrect chinese hospital special use district designation from assessor's block no. 0192, lot no. 041; and adopt findings, including findings under the california environmental quality act, and planning code, section 302, and findings of consistency with the general plan and planning code, section 101.1. >> colleagues, same house same call? without objection, this ordinance is passed on the first read. next item. >> item 25 is an ordinance approving exceptions to requirements of the seismic safety loan program under th