the other discharge we looked at was one occurred that in alfred lake in 2013. in this case a dog charged an officer who was investigating a man that he had seen that was unresponsive and slumped over -- he was slumped over the dog and the dog charged and the officer fired twice and that was determined to be in policy. those were the cases we reviewed and forwarded to through the fdrb to the chief. you have the reports i believe. they were submitted june 26. we will get into it in a moment and i prepared this last week and there are some changes and i will put you on your toes. in the second quarter and the open case from 2011 as you see in the copies that you have we have five cases open and the status is pending and close the helped report and finish off the investigative investigation and i got it for 005 and that is moving forward. good news. 2012 cases, the open cases are these six. 001, 002, 003, 004, 005, 006. those are open investigations and the other cases are 13-001, 002, 003, 004. that case was presented at the fdrb. that was the accidental discharge