any project, whether it's a doghouse or alhambra should not be permitted without a plan to mitigate the extensive environmental damage that's been done over the years by fuel, by gasoline spillage. i do not want children, my child, i do not want myself to live in a neighborhood that's sprayed by toxic benzene dust and construction, and i do not want to drink gasoline. >> -- at 3601 lawton street. this is a conditional use authorization. >> [inaudible] in regards to building's footprint but was only 4 feet in height. project has been reviewed by environmental planning staff, and on july 8, 2020, project was issued an exemption was ceqa at the collins exemption. this project was continued from the june 25, planning commission agenda as the project had previously received an exemption to ceqa under a categorical exemption. project is located on a [inaudible] site, and the [inaudible] vapor contamination as part of the environmental review process pursuant to ceqa, and the commission received a presentation from ceqa on this last week. my executive summary. [inaudible] to reiterate, the pro