you can't compare it to alhoe hol.ompare it to alcohol. >> wait until you drink alcohol with tarara. >> alcohol leads to over 100,000 traffic accidents a year. most of them fatal. we can't use this a reason to make pot legal. pot is going to give us the same problem. >> let's put your medical team in. >> i think there's a lot of problems. the whole idea of the gate way drug. i think people that are more e predisposed to getting addicted to marijuana or other substance z tend to have a disorder. >> everyone who use z marijuana it's a better choice for anxiety management. any time you teach people that it's a solution. >> any kind of addition is a symptom of a larger problem. it's our young people. problems had due to anxiety. depression. all of these thing are a way to deal with problem. >> look at miley cirus disney channel year and what it was promoting at that time and now what is it. you look at the influence of different factor but drugs have been one of them. >> we just have the cochella valley music festival. i'v