ali kahn to my far left. dr. the dean of the college of public health at unmc and also also has extensive experience working with the cdc in treating ebola in africa. seated next to dr. kahn is dr. bradley britcan. dean of the college of medicine at unmc president of the member medical center and also a disease expert and specialist. in the middle is miss rosanna morris our chief operating officer at the nebraska medical center. and seated closest to me, i would like to extend a very warm and personal nebraska welcome to dr. mitchell levy, ask & diana mukpo. parents of our patient. so with that, ladies and gentlemen, he would like to open this to your questions. we will take questions live and over the telephone as well. who would like to start? >> do do we know an exact incidents when mr. mukpo came in contact with someone with with he bowl bola or is it too hard to tell? >> i asked him about that a lot. but he's not certain. he was around the clinic and filming inside the clinic so he had an opportunity to be e