ali pakdaman, the captain, was eliminated in judo , we participated in four trainings and competitions mahdi fathipour found again with one win and one loss. unfortunately, he was eliminated from the competition round. in swimming today, we were fifth until zad karal. it is a place to be happy and actually there is hope for better days for our country, but in other competitions that we have ahead of us today , it will be table tennis in the afternoon at hangzhou time, and after 65 years, we lost our bronze medal in in the semi -final at 13:30 tehran time , we have a very sensitive game against south korea, if this let's win the game, which will be good for the final with the host country, china. when i was in the hall, they were adding seats because ping pong is considered a national sport in china and it will be received very well . the fact that the final game is the height of sensitivity and excitement will be witnessed in the tournament hall. in three-person basketball, we are playing with south korea today. in handball , we are playing against japan in beach volleyball. in the san