this is what he's told us, alia sanchez, no journalist, he has no hero. he filled us with tories on account of his official secrets. his dissemination gravely harmed us interest and endangered valiant afghans fighting against the credit card that the sanchez law cannot be punished and the government have no right to secrecy. this war standard would imperil the national security of all free nations, subverting the foundation of law itself. well 1st of all, dispelled the claim that anyone was harmed. the us has been pushing the talking points since day one, but when they've been under oath in the chelsea mining court martial, they've had to admit that they have found no single person who has ever come to harm as a result of these publication. so it's basically an attack point and a vague of a $1.00 and $1.00 that it's false that is huge to, to try to undermine supported again and take attention away from what this case does, which is to criminalize journalism. julian is not a us citizen, he does not owe any oath of allegiance to the united states. he hasn't