palaces dzyatsey i moladzi pry padrymtsy belaruska sayuz zhanchyn there was a long dance with aliaksei talai patryatism is strong. paver is with you, you can do everything. it’s wonderful, in a very trusting , friendly atmosphere, the guys asked very deep questions in various areas, this is very pleasing, this is the level of our belarusians, our youth and children, this makes me happy, as well as my father. four children, we today understand that the future of our fatherland depends on what is in their hearts today, how their souls manifest themselves in this world, the platform once again showed us how important meetings are today within the framework of the dialogue between young people and famous people, and as you saw, alexey told a lot of interesting things for young people: the connecting, very strong, powerful link today was family values, and the main word that sounded , this word is love, it is very serious. the partnership with alyaksei talay gave rise to further supranational relations between the belarusian unions of women of the central district of the capital and the marriage