dzyauchaty, no, geta not aliaksey dudarau.andra step in front of the gulley. respect, a snatch for them. don’t go there, my little fools, you’re going to go, you’re going to go so wrong, that it’s neither back nor far, if only with your mother, then it’s just like that, as i told you more than once, even with the old one, so it’s a real disaster, a real mountain, even though you put a stake on the top of the bowl, it’s not... we have adkaz, there is adkaz among the dzyauchatak, viyaleta, sasha, what a caress, this radki wrote by vincent dunin martsinkevich, not zyauchatki, this is not vincent dunin martsinkevich, this creation of inshaga autara, yanka kupala, aleksey dudarau, andrey makayonak, your daring further, yanka kupala, there is adkaz, yanka kupala, geta correct adkaz, yanka kupala. aўtar songs by paulinka. literary competition in memory of the separation of forces. respect. dasha ksyusha - 275. viyaletta sasha - 320. the final stage of the walk has begun. they will help you with their behavior, reactions, and an hour-