and of the 100 or so men that were aboard, alice bates-gould managed to find the records of about 90 of them. just an incredible accomplishment. and from her evidence and her research, it would seem that no, these were experienced seamen. these were men who had been to sea. also there's always the claim, well, there must have been irishmen aboard that made it happen. must have been a french man or english man. no. columbus was italian but everybody else was spanish. all of the sea men with him. so they were good experienced sailors. they weren't criminals, et cetera. they were good. which probably accounts for the sailing over and coming back. good question. i kept you long enough, i suppose. don't forget, we don't have a paper tomorrow. actually i don't think i probably have to remind you of that. and i'll see you next week. so have a great weekend. >> each week american history tv sits in on a lecture with one of the country's college professors. you can watch the classes here every saturday at 8:00 p.m. and midnight eastern, and sundays at 1:00 p.m. this week we join university of