alicia: thank you, pamela. unfortunately, mrs. florrick didn't read far enough. what's the next line in leviticus? and those men who lie with men n is to kill them. isn't it? that was an instruction promulgated by moses for the levites. ah, so it doesn't apply today? because otherwise, you should be out killing gay people, right? to say that jesus' love tempered the need for punishment doesn't change what is considered right and wrong. is mr. canning really trying to determine what is religiously based speech and what is not? the point is, mr. clove defamed our client as homophobic, when clearly he knew it was religiously based speech. yes. uh, mr. canning, i think that's right. i don't really think i'm here to sever any gordian knots. the question is not: what is religious? the question is: did mr. clove know that pamela was religious? and with that question, i think we should take... a short break. (gavel bangs) the arbitrator sounds sympathetic towards us, doesn't he? all right. what? let's make a deal. better things than for rheumatoid arthritis. before you a