and i was having dinner with alicia shriver who invented philanthropy. i mean heshgs whole family. and i told her about elsistema. i said i'd like to do something now with the school. she hooked me up with michelle obama's turn around school program. and i hired her to run it. we have a call section. and we now have 16 schools. and we go in. we get $100,000 a year per school. it's a three-year commit ment. and we facilitate an arts program and to get the kid turned on to -- it engages them. and it keeps them in the school. and they graduate. and they keep going. which is great. because the dropout numbers are horrific. and the prisons are preparing for the dropout numbers. so we bring artists to the school. i brought david hockney to one. smokey robinson is going to come. he's my favorite of all time. >> let me jump in. what did hockney, what did he talk to the kids about? >> so we went to the park. a school where 60% of the kids are homeless. and david came in. he's been painting on the computer. >> on his i snad. >> yeah. we went over. we had a table full of flower vases and flow