this is what happened. 30 years ago in this village in india called aligarh--anyone here from aligarh? got any aligarians? yo, i'm trying to relate, y'all. any aligarians up in here? uttar pradesh, stand up. no? ok. and the funny thing is, i got funnier. we go camping for fun. i cannot explain that to my cousin in pakistan, you understand that? hasan, man, what's camping? oh, camping. well, see, camping's this thing where you set up tents in the woods, you shit outside, the mosquitoes bite you. oh, you mean pakistan? yeah, it's like pakistan except you get smores instead of malaria. oh, you're gonna die soon, sahil. my story had power. my struggle as a kid growing up between two worlds mattered to people. and that got me thinking, the world is full of struggle, comedy comes from adversity. this must be one hilarious planet. what if there were young comics out there just like me killing it in places i never imagined? who are the pryors or the carlins of this new global comic spring? what stories were they telling? what truth bombs were they dropping? what sacred cows were they slaying?