Nov 11, 2021
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o alina >> a nosotros nos preocupa el poder crear hÁbitos financieros y muchas veces no hacemos preso tambiÉn te limitas en tu presupuesto. paola: quÉ otros tips nos pueden servir? o alina >> a mÍ me preocupa veo que queremos darle un regalo a cada persona de nuestra familia y eso va a nuestra tarjeta de crÉdito. un regalo que cuesta $100 por la tasa de interÉs va a inflar el precio de ese regalo y eso es importante, si uno hace compras con tarjeta de crÉdito, y que asegurarse que puedas pagar todo el saldo de la tarjeta de crÉdito. quÉ pasa si tuvimos un exceso, cÓmo podemos planificar una posible soluciÓn? o alina >> si te das cuenta que te pasas de, lo que recomendamos es hacer una lista de todas las deudas de la mÁs grande la mÁs chica y poner la tasa de interÉs que pagas, cuando visualices recomiendo que empieces desde la deuda mÁs pequeÑa, liquida esa deuda mÁs pequeÑa y poco a poco reducirÁs el nÚmero de tu deudas, siempre que pagar todas las deudas a tiempo, la estrategia puede ayudar a minimizar la cantidad de deudas. paola: muchas gracias, carlos. si usted recibiÓ beneficios
o alina >> a nosotros nos preocupa el poder crear hÁbitos financieros y muchas veces no hacemos preso tambiÉn te limitas en tu presupuesto. paola: quÉ otros tips nos pueden servir? o alina >> a mÍ me preocupa veo que queremos darle un regalo a cada persona de nuestra familia y eso va a nuestra tarjeta de crÉdito. un regalo que cuesta $100 por la tasa de interÉs va a inflar el precio de ese regalo y eso es importante, si uno hace compras con tarjeta de crÉdito, y que...
Nov 30, 2021
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o alina >> en general esos enlaces no son de confianza.tafa. cuando el precio se ve mejor de lo que en realidad has visto o has comparado, tienes que tener precauciÓn. >> debes ir siempre a los sitios que son reconocidos y tambiÉn algo muy importante que se puede verificar, tiene que ser elhtpps. asÍ comienza los sitios seguros. >> tienen que tener una tarjeta de crÉdito porque tiene respaldo. ellos tienen seguros que pueden regresarle el dinero. tambiÉn pueden hacer sus quejas y nosotros trabajaremos para que la regresen su dinero. paula: vuelvo a saludar a yenty rodrÍguez. yenti: no tenemos preocupaciÓn ni nubosidad en nuestra zona. el cielo se mantendrÁ despejado. comenzaremos a ver temperaturas en el rango de los bajos y medios 50. en santa rosa la temperatura puede descender a los 71 grados. en san josÉ visibilidad de menos de media milla. >> para la tarde se va al frÍo y regresan esas condiciones mÁs agradables. santa rosa con mÁxima de 71 grados. no vamos a ver cambios en los prÓximos dÍas. tardes agradables y condiciones del tiempo
o alina >> en general esos enlaces no son de confianza.tafa. cuando el precio se ve mejor de lo que en realidad has visto o has comparado, tienes que tener precauciÓn. >> debes ir siempre a los sitios que son reconocidos y tambiÉn algo muy importante que se puede verificar, tiene que ser elhtpps. asÍ comienza los sitios seguros. >> tienen que tener una tarjeta de crÉdito porque tiene respaldo. ellos tienen seguros que pueden regresarle el dinero. tambiÉn pueden hacer sus...
Nov 10, 2021
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o alina >> puede hacer una denuncia. paola: muchÍsimas gracias. rango de los 65 grados. les presento el modelo de precipitaciÓn. podemos ver actividad aislada en oakland. estoy al pendiente de esas temperaturas en la madrugada. el cielo se mantendrÁ bastante nublado. la visibilidad es otro aspecto que me preocupa mucho. piense que la neblina va a interrumpir. estarÍamos hablando de temperaturas que alcanzan los 68 en la parte de concord. el sÁbado si usted está cubierto tanto por medicare como por medicaid de su estado, la inscripción anual de medicare termina el 7 de diciembre. de modo que este es un excelente momento para analizar un plan unitedhealthcare dual complete. podría ofrecerle aún más beneficios de salud de los que ya tiene. llame ahora mismo para saber si cumple los requisitos. medicaid le da beneficios y medicare también le ofrece algunos beneficios. pero un plan unitedhealthcare dual complete puede agregar aún más beneficios y características. como copagos de $0 en todos los medicamentos con receta cubiertos. así como más cobertura
o alina >> puede hacer una denuncia. paola: muchÍsimas gracias. rango de los 65 grados. les presento el modelo de precipitaciÓn. podemos ver actividad aislada en oakland. estoy al pendiente de esas temperaturas en la madrugada. el cielo se mantendrÁ bastante nublado. la visibilidad es otro aspecto que me preocupa mucho. piense que la neblina va a interrumpir. estarÍamos hablando de temperaturas que alcanzan los 68 en la parte de concord. el sÁbado si usted está cubierto tanto por...
Nov 4, 2021
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well, let's catch up with alina to find out.the moment of meeting for these pandemic pen pals has finally arrived. hello! how are you? i'm really good. oh, don't you look well! i bought you a little present. thank you. i like your wellies. it's amazing, it's wonderful! i thought we'd never meet up. it's been so long. was it a bit emotional? i was nearly in tears walking along the path, i was having to hold it in. it's really good seeing granny lesley. and their correspondence doesn't end here. i wouldn't stop now, no, never. i shall keep writing. i'm going to stay in touch with granny lesley and make every letter for her. is that for me? yes. thank you. from the dark times of the pandemic has emerged an unlikely friendship and a lasting bond. luxmy gopal, bbc news.
well, let's catch up with alina to find out.the moment of meeting for these pandemic pen pals has finally arrived. hello! how are you? i'm really good. oh, don't you look well! i bought you a little present. thank you. i like your wellies. it's amazing, it's wonderful! i thought we'd never meet up. it's been so long. was it a bit emotional? i was nearly in tears walking along the path, i was having to hold it in. it's really good seeing granny lesley. and their correspondence doesn't end here....
eye 43
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i'm alina alina bob, back from the green part, the she's tougher on rosters and see how do you see those relations putting out but to moscow and berlin in the coming years, it will be in germany. and i'm like this opinion when you're listening to the lot she made on all the nation to other candidates, not on it. well, no, go try 9. we 5 centimeter. leave the next wall up where you will follow, hurting on this line. think there is enormous remedy that she, my boss is a question the both the not only to the, to all the agent but it comes up. but most of the german people will, doesn't want to go. but that's a policy where they got to enable in the, on china every will and to the war. in germany, again, we saw it already in the wall against the enormous, he'll be the situation again. let's talk it all. mix for better official estimates published just days ago say germany's inflation rate set to rise in the coming years to run 3 percent. and of course germany has been the most economically stable country in the you. do you see that continuing under the coalition lead by mr. shult the challen
i'm alina alina bob, back from the green part, the she's tougher on rosters and see how do you see those relations putting out but to moscow and berlin in the coming years, it will be in germany. and i'm like this opinion when you're listening to the lot she made on all the nation to other candidates, not on it. well, no, go try 9. we 5 centimeter. leave the next wall up where you will follow, hurting on this line. think there is enormous remedy that she, my boss is a question the both the not...
Nov 17, 2021
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o alina >> sÍ, puede llamar al departamento policÍa de san josÉ y reportar algÚn caso sospechoso.restÓ una mujer sospechosaque realizaba trÁmites migratorios fraudulentos. >> primero me pidiÓ 500 en efecto tivo, cuando me llevÓ a su oficina le di otros 500 y luego me volvÍ a pedir. lo Último se lo di en un cheque. le di un cheque personal con $500. >> son los testimonios de televidentes que se hacÍa pasar por consultora legal de inmigraciÓn. >> empezamos con cuatro y ahora son 13 en total. estoy llamando a las y mÁs y trabajando con ellos. >> la seÑora verÓnica tenÍa la esperanza de que se pudiera tramitar su ida a mÉxico. >> no pude estar en el final con mi mamÁ porque ella simplemente no hizo nada, sÓlo se quedo con mi dinero. >> ella me dijo que tenÍa el poder de reportarnos. >> esa razÓn por la que las vÍctimas no se animaron a denunciar nada antes. >> es polÍtica del condado, nosotros no compartimos informaciÓn con migraciÓn, no vamos a compartir la informaciÓn de nuestras vÍctimas. >> set a las autoridades competentes que trabajen en estos casos migratorios. >> si tienen mie
o alina >> sÍ, puede llamar al departamento policÍa de san josÉ y reportar algÚn caso sospechoso.restÓ una mujer sospechosaque realizaba trÁmites migratorios fraudulentos. >> primero me pidiÓ 500 en efecto tivo, cuando me llevÓ a su oficina le di otros 500 y luego me volvÍ a pedir. lo Último se lo di en un cheque. le di un cheque personal con $500. >> son los testimonios de televidentes que se hacÍa pasar por consultora legal de inmigraciÓn. >> empezamos con...
Nov 18, 2021
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o alina >> queremos proteger a nuestros chiquitos, pero nada mÁs es un poco de fiebre y malestar queel tiempo. estÁ lista fernanda ramos con la informaciÓn. fernanda: estuvimos viendo temperaturas bastante agradables. gracias a la nubosidad alta que se ha mantenido con nosotros hemos visto temperaturas que apenas alcanzaron los 70 grados. en ingreso de nubosidad puede seguir presente. cera una noche y madrugada bastante frÍa para algunos de nosotros. mÁs hacia el norte hay apenas 42 grados. en el dÍa de maÑana espero que recuperemos mejores temperaturas. algunos sectores podrÍan estar viendo de bajos a medios 60. el radar estÁ bastante limpio. estaremos viendo nubosidad y posibilidad de aguaceros en nuestra zona. en cuestiÓn del pronÓstico extendido el jueves y viernes posibilidad de nubes y aguaceros sobre nosotros. >> atenciÓn estudiantes, ahora podrÁn continuar con sus estudios completamente gratis. >> serÁ gratis. hay costos asociados con los costos de salud y otros costos en san josÉ. >> los precios de los alimentos aumentaron, el paÍs tienen este momento una de las inflaciones
o alina >> queremos proteger a nuestros chiquitos, pero nada mÁs es un poco de fiebre y malestar queel tiempo. estÁ lista fernanda ramos con la informaciÓn. fernanda: estuvimos viendo temperaturas bastante agradables. gracias a la nubosidad alta que se ha mantenido con nosotros hemos visto temperaturas que apenas alcanzaron los 70 grados. en ingreso de nubosidad puede seguir presente. cera una noche y madrugada bastante frÍa para algunos de nosotros. mÁs hacia el norte hay apenas 42...
Nov 10, 2021
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o alina >> el gobernador nomÁs hablo. >> el gobernador dijo que iba a destinar especÍficamente para esteemos el dinero presente para tener mÁs policÍa presente y empezar a ofrecer servicios. reportera: nos comunicamos con el departamento del gobernador, pero todavÍa no obtuvimos respuesta. nos comunicamos con la alcaldesa de oakland para preguntarle sobre sus planes para combatir esta violencia y dijo que estaba devastada la perdido humana. el departamento continÚa asistiendo a la patrulla de caminos. paola: adriÁn molina fue arrestado en san josÉ bajo sospecha de distribuciÓn ilegal de mariguana y metanfetamina. investigamos sobre el uso de drogas y cÓmo afecta a los jÓvenes. la metanfetamina es un estimulante poderoso y sumamente activo que afecta el sistema nervioso central. >> puede causar problemas de psicosis, habÍan efectos de memoria, de lenguaje y cÓmo procesa mentalmente las cosas. paola: cuentan con una lÍnea de servicio confidencial y gratuito que lo conecta con grupos de apoyo y organizaciones comunitarias en su Área. si vive en oakland y tiene objetos que ya no le sirven? l
o alina >> el gobernador nomÁs hablo. >> el gobernador dijo que iba a destinar especÍficamente para esteemos el dinero presente para tener mÁs policÍa presente y empezar a ofrecer servicios. reportera: nos comunicamos con el departamento del gobernador, pero todavÍa no obtuvimos respuesta. nos comunicamos con la alcaldesa de oakland para preguntarle sobre sus planes para combatir esta violencia y dijo que estaba devastada la perdido humana. el departamento continÚa asistiendo...
Nov 23, 2021
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but if you something out alina got it. oh will make no like a talk but a big deal folder, the de or plus or to be so much of being blossom isn't there for additionally always get those papers in one year that said he doesn't move the sky. salisbury kiddo get the pilgrim heard. i mean, i mean, it would be we even need to give you the doctor number, but you go up to my, i know well the government money but it be you know, you know, the main shared cut for everybody to be no more than i continue to believe on the medical medical we're going to be don't have a 1000 people get mad, but every year came on you can join me. she gave way. but you could give me a project on god they need money, but it's not all. well, i get what you're, why do you because like job a job will be invited by number when they get your money the knowledge is out of a party can we will work along and i will say your 1st is buddy is ana with an ad gundy here was, it was one of the job, but you don't get a i would, but i got a daughter but you know, but tho
but if you something out alina got it. oh will make no like a talk but a big deal folder, the de or plus or to be so much of being blossom isn't there for additionally always get those papers in one year that said he doesn't move the sky. salisbury kiddo get the pilgrim heard. i mean, i mean, it would be we even need to give you the doctor number, but you go up to my, i know well the government money but it be you know, you know, the main shared cut for everybody to be no more than i continue...
Nov 29, 2021
eye 23
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i'm with alina now. you may find you. i'm with lima. how? by asking a lot the i buy a money i you i did with that song to thing. yeah. i think yeah. luckily. and have a little, i mean, oh boy. sadly, from like to talk. yeah. couldn't start seeing read long, but the meet them. why when you're going, electing thelma ha fighting the not me hold him lies. he let law come live to eat my note. mm. what did it alone in it was a gentleman for fun. micro saying that is i still one company is also for a peer here a porno. the company, if you please call, got a box that he had lat me t r pi bah, bailable i'm and bin boy. you the coco me, little woman. you are t 9 low widening love, a ham. and de leon for nanning aim for the there were says, i was a little boy in india. my dream was to make body would felt. so finally, i was going to do it one man's quest to realize a lifelong ambition. dis studio chose was off my own village and good stones permission going behind the lens as got him saying, brings his personal story to life. al jazeera correspondent,
i'm with alina now. you may find you. i'm with lima. how? by asking a lot the i buy a money i you i did with that song to thing. yeah. i think yeah. luckily. and have a little, i mean, oh boy. sadly, from like to talk. yeah. couldn't start seeing read long, but the meet them. why when you're going, electing thelma ha fighting the not me hold him lies. he let law come live to eat my note. mm. what did it alone in it was a gentleman for fun. micro saying that is i still one company is also for a...
Nov 25, 2021
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for answers, we are joined by alina when, public health professor, and author of lifelines.haps you can give me and others like me some advice. i will be on a packed train tonight. i just had a booster jab, but people around me won't be vaccinated. how do we travel safely if we want to eat and drink? >> the single most important thing is to mask up when you are indoors with people of unknown vaccination status. where a high quality mask. the cloth mask will not do. ideally, you are wearing anand naidoo five mask that is well fitting. throw away the mask if it is soiled or damaged. try to restrict eating and drinking. only eat or drink when you are away from those crowded settings laura: excellent advice. let's turn to thanksgiving dinner. i know some of the people i am with won't be vaccinated. what is the best way to approach this? >> if you are around people who are fully vaccinated, that will be the safest for you, and people who are unvaccinated are six times more likely to carry covid compared to someone fully vaccinated. i would say that if you have t be around people
for answers, we are joined by alina when, public health professor, and author of lifelines.haps you can give me and others like me some advice. i will be on a packed train tonight. i just had a booster jab, but people around me won't be vaccinated. how do we travel safely if we want to eat and drink? >> the single most important thing is to mask up when you are indoors with people of unknown vaccination status. where a high quality mask. the cloth mask will not do. ideally, you are...
eye 10
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last alina, there was a reasoning, of course, i meant the last thought or it's a full go, there brought up better. my love, it's in babylon, from visit. i'm finishing when you now i thought that my only of the, well, it's a mission year. but if i have no food, she british thought or thought of my shank mustang, i'm longer motion for your price brochure . oh, shoveling me. well, i will gladly. comp, just not sound nice after norma is a good to worship story, doesn't like it wasn't eighty's too much get off the dish with dining with ads by kid to validate. you do, please stand at your black at the store dish and i will still come back. she's in middleton didn't like i don't. why get people didn't exam shaquanda? no, it's not that a compression door absolute, no bushes, a legal vocal, a chilean sunday, which human log up. so i'm probably more teacher if someone does, he helps out there and the notion will come when it all should and you will know what i see. i know if you've only to watch it what, what kind of plays they do with the city. you only cook at studios and send that problem. a c
last alina, there was a reasoning, of course, i meant the last thought or it's a full go, there brought up better. my love, it's in babylon, from visit. i'm finishing when you now i thought that my only of the, well, it's a mission year. but if i have no food, she british thought or thought of my shank mustang, i'm longer motion for your price brochure . oh, shoveling me. well, i will gladly. comp, just not sound nice after norma is a good to worship story, doesn't like it wasn't eighty's too...
Nov 14, 2021
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now it's time for a look at the weather with alina jenkins. hello. we have had some patchy light rain and drizzle across parts of england and wales today, but the bulk of the rain is pushing it in northern and western scotland and northern ireland and will continue overnight. weakening a little of the night wears on. further south across england and wales, a lot of cloud, some drizzle, and a few breaks in the cloud and where we do see the breaks, we could see temperatures down to five or six celsius, where we keep the cloud, seven to 10 celsius the overnight low. still a weakening band of patchy rain tomorrow morning across southern scotland initially into parts of northern england, wales, may be the far south—west of england, that will weaken as the day goes on. sunshine for scotland and northern ireland, cloudier further south with some mist and fog lingering through the morning. it is going to stay mild both by day and by night in the week ahead, in fact temperatures by friday could get up to m or 15 celsius. mainly dry for much of england and wal
now it's time for a look at the weather with alina jenkins. hello. we have had some patchy light rain and drizzle across parts of england and wales today, but the bulk of the rain is pushing it in northern and western scotland and northern ireland and will continue overnight. weakening a little of the night wears on. further south across england and wales, a lot of cloud, some drizzle, and a few breaks in the cloud and where we do see the breaks, we could see temperatures down to five or six...
eye 38
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somebody or near park either leah with it's the there's a problem, or if this thought a fish last alina, there was a greenery, 3 reasoning, of course. and remember when i should go away, will go, they're brought up better. my love, it's in babylon, from visit. i'm. can you sure when you know, i thought of them i'll near the police their mission year. but if i live on school, she graves thought or thought of mine a shanker from mustang. him longer motion for in your price brochure? yeah. well sibling, mia went by. how does really glad natalie coughed. she's just not south nas after norma is a good the worship story doesn't use like a modern dates, east deutsch gate after school visit to madison, dining with dad by kid of the blizzard. you do, please stand at your plan at the old house door addition to what will still come back. she is in milton dickens. i don't want to get a bit of a din exam shaquanda. no, it's not that a compression door absolute, no bushes through, but they be to legal vocal blue. i used to request for clinton, les gillian, sunday, live with me, which i'm a little gap
somebody or near park either leah with it's the there's a problem, or if this thought a fish last alina, there was a greenery, 3 reasoning, of course. and remember when i should go away, will go, they're brought up better. my love, it's in babylon, from visit. i'm. can you sure when you know, i thought of them i'll near the police their mission year. but if i live on school, she graves thought or thought of mine a shanker from mustang. him longer motion for in your price brochure? yeah. well...
eye 14
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see a with a shedding of is the, there's a problem with or if his thoughts, a bish last alina, there was a greenery, 3 reasoning for them. remember the last thought or it will go. they're brought up better. my love, it's in babylon. from a visit. i thought i'm finishing when you know i'm talking to my own. yep. the believe their mission year. but for them school she british thought north america shanker mustang, him longer motion for your price. dawn was showing him, 07 me. well, how does the glass not only club she's not south nas after norma is a good to worship story that he's not got wasn't 8 east which good after she was it not snow dian with as i get the ballistic you do, please see an actual black at all have store dish in the corner will still come back us back. she is in different like i said, why get people didn't exam shaquanda? no, it's not that a compression store absolute no bushes through, but they mutually global blue, artistic blacksburg, clinton, italian, unable to print, which i'm a little gaps was damn problem, which is selina done. he hops at the island, though.
see a with a shedding of is the, there's a problem with or if his thoughts, a bish last alina, there was a greenery, 3 reasoning for them. remember the last thought or it will go. they're brought up better. my love, it's in babylon. from a visit. i thought i'm finishing when you know i'm talking to my own. yep. the believe their mission year. but for them school she british thought north america shanker mustang, him longer motion for your price. dawn was showing him, 07 me. well, how does the...
Nov 28, 2021
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now it's time for a look at the weather with alina jenkins., we've had an area of rain, sleet and snow moving its way southwards through scotland and england today. clearing away from the south coast through this evening, we'll keep a few wintry showers going along some eastern coasts but for many, clear skies that's going to lead to frost and ice before cloud pushes back in to the north and west of scotland and northern ireland later in the night, also bringing some outbreaks of rain. but for many it's going to be a frosty night as temperatures drop at or below zero, “4 or —5 celsius for some rural parts of scotland and northern england. bit of a mix tomorrow, we have these frontal systems pushing into scotland bringing some outbreaks of rain, may be some snow over higher ground. cloud increasing across northern ireland, some patchy rain here, could see some rain into northern england through the afternoon. further south it stays dry, best of the sunshine in a line say from east anglia to dorset, but a cold feeling day here and starting to fe
now it's time for a look at the weather with alina jenkins., we've had an area of rain, sleet and snow moving its way southwards through scotland and england today. clearing away from the south coast through this evening, we'll keep a few wintry showers going along some eastern coasts but for many, clear skies that's going to lead to frost and ice before cloud pushes back in to the north and west of scotland and northern ireland later in the night, also bringing some outbreaks of rain. but for...
eye 38
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, steven, up unusual is up a little yellow, which with he at the at least not by default. buffalo, alina, i was, was union with illinois deal up or difficult. yeah. shit. no issue. dial tone. cushman. he is. as i spoke a week, i took a loan. i did yes. the equipment valuable solution. yes. on this, that would be so at those the bottom, gila ganga will, is $41.00 point of cushman i get a is taken off at the dinner. nothing even yesterday political just last saw it on september 2002 special representative of the u. s. department of state specialist in russia. marie, yvonne of ich raised the issue of ukraine's violation of sanctions against iraq in connection with the alleged sale of a batch of cold sugar radar systems ah, representative of the president of ukraine. victor medford jerk thoroughly investigated all the charges and presented irrefutable evidence that the culture egos were not supplied to iraq. a little later after the occupation of iraq by multinational forces, the united states did not find any traces of the culture. gus, the charge was as valid as colon fowls test tubes of a
, steven, up unusual is up a little yellow, which with he at the at least not by default. buffalo, alina, i was, was union with illinois deal up or difficult. yeah. shit. no issue. dial tone. cushman. he is. as i spoke a week, i took a loan. i did yes. the equipment valuable solution. yes. on this, that would be so at those the bottom, gila ganga will, is $41.00 point of cushman i get a is taken off at the dinner. nothing even yesterday political just last saw it on september 2002 special...
Nov 27, 2021
eye 36
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our products do not contain alina. the company claims that the unscientific detection method and conclusion of shall anchor's national blank warranty in service. regarding fertilizer samples, obviously do not comply with international animal and plant quarantined conventions that surcharge, dismissed by a number of shrunken scientists. the danger is that these microorganisms once applied to sri lanka and saw you see you cannot take them back so that if they become palm full, then there is no way that we could reverse the process. she lank amused of agriculture, who said the government would pay for about 75 percent of the fertilizer cost. told of media briefing on wednesday that there was a breakthrough. i'll be happy to understanding that they will big bishop back and send the samples again. and then we can do the requesting and we can get bishop but ye agriculture director general says the detected pathogens cause disease and rod and can result in yield losses for farmers while the chinese manufacturer and the govern
our products do not contain alina. the company claims that the unscientific detection method and conclusion of shall anchor's national blank warranty in service. regarding fertilizer samples, obviously do not comply with international animal and plant quarantined conventions that surcharge, dismissed by a number of shrunken scientists. the danger is that these microorganisms once applied to sri lanka and saw you see you cannot take them back so that if they become palm full, then there is no...
Nov 1, 2021
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lot of sorted with lee, as of them were saying a word and them a gun and waste a he, when he told alina to fossil it was kyle valley, he was mcdonald, eddie. okay, couple alley. he cannot lumped up her barn. saddam hussein's trial was shown throughout the world. the former iraqi president was charged with crimes against humanity. it started to what, in any kia and a to cool anatomy, 0 or on a lot of he had weighed a list that la la mca, where i really wanted to see an, an alameda kia capital. what lem nikia? good. i had it and mina, i couldn't more that and that was not cometh thus we're. if i had to from wine island with them enough and now it has the vital an acid a had iffy and mechanical eddie kennedy to laugh. he amana in nor can them, nor nothing that if were they have to, he won pucca f fremont. bradley santa however, had a fee that natalie it at the curb can fee in charlotte and want us off as the conflict escalated. so did the number of casualties civilians, iraqi fighters resisting the invasion. and american soldiers al jazeera report has provided a realistic and close up view
lot of sorted with lee, as of them were saying a word and them a gun and waste a he, when he told alina to fossil it was kyle valley, he was mcdonald, eddie. okay, couple alley. he cannot lumped up her barn. saddam hussein's trial was shown throughout the world. the former iraqi president was charged with crimes against humanity. it started to what, in any kia and a to cool anatomy, 0 or on a lot of he had weighed a list that la la mca, where i really wanted to see an, an alameda kia capital....
Nov 6, 2021
eye 31
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we are li if saddam hussein a o m and m a can am waste a he was, he told alina to fossil, and kyle campbell, ali, he will mcdonald that he will be a couple ali he cannot. lemme tell her by saddam hussein's trial was shown throughout the world. the former iraqi president was charged with crimes against humanity started to bought an empty, kia, and to cool, not just allow me to lift my can. we're not to see and let me to kia, kind of, to what i mean to keep that and min calling more numbers not coming to us. we have had different wine, a one, them and not. and now how does the vital and apple and how defi, mckennan libby, kind of to lockheed. i'm not, you know, can them, nor understanding how to where they have to fremont. fremont. at least you know, how about how to see that not me. that kind of can v one pop up as the conflict escalated, so did the number of casualties civilians. iraqi fighters resisting the invasion and american soldiers al jazeera report has provided a realistic and close up view of the mounting casualties on all sides. a wood, i'm eddie. it's the coma for rock. the june
we are li if saddam hussein a o m and m a can am waste a he was, he told alina to fossil, and kyle campbell, ali, he will mcdonald that he will be a couple ali he cannot. lemme tell her by saddam hussein's trial was shown throughout the world. the former iraqi president was charged with crimes against humanity started to bought an empty, kia, and to cool, not just allow me to lift my can. we're not to see and let me to kia, kind of, to what i mean to keep that and min calling more numbers not...
Nov 9, 2021
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so do the math well, bother her alina, and will soon, it'll quote on man cuba fail run, i locked them myself, a thin that the showers will comes at the other kilometer. and so done by the g gun in late december, 2008 israeli army launched an attack on the garza street. it was the start of a 21 day wolf is and he had one question though i saw you. i loved it live. we'll have a good in, well, i will harriman al jesse recovered events from both sides of the cancer israel border. the war was an important moment for out his era english. at the time it was the only english language global news channel. with correspondence inside garza, they are our by our reports will relate around the world. the channel also reported from israel and gained international respect for its journalism. i think that the war was wondering, was probably one of the most intense periods. there was an antique period working. it was an extremely intense period and, and relations in the middle east. and, and the most amazing thing was we were there. we would be everywhere with our ass after our and were able to bring c
so do the math well, bother her alina, and will soon, it'll quote on man cuba fail run, i locked them myself, a thin that the showers will comes at the other kilometer. and so done by the g gun in late december, 2008 israeli army launched an attack on the garza street. it was the start of a 21 day wolf is and he had one question though i saw you. i loved it live. we'll have a good in, well, i will harriman al jesse recovered events from both sides of the cancer israel border. the war was an...
Nov 29, 2021
eye 36
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busy with adrian, alina von, northern america, the connection with the problem is that somebody at the moment somebody says, god told me to do something, you can't have a rational discussion with them. and they're trying to install, ethnically cleansing, trying to get rid of all the palestinians that have lived here for tenants or for you even hundreds of years. a missouri top level, not scanning. we do get a lot of support, you know, from the people who like to sit on the couches and writing facebook all. well don, thank you so much. but defacto, you can count us in, in the tense, the civil cynita of our los altos lady and i just didn't have a sure i get in touch with him. no hold on. that's at some portal this week. i hope you liked what you saw. remember there's lots more great video and audio content on our website and social media channels. i'll be back next week until then. see you online. ah, here's your world weather up, say hello as to see you are going to start in the middle east where we've got plenty of sunshine to go around. but we may get clear was some showers for the un
busy with adrian, alina von, northern america, the connection with the problem is that somebody at the moment somebody says, god told me to do something, you can't have a rational discussion with them. and they're trying to install, ethnically cleansing, trying to get rid of all the palestinians that have lived here for tenants or for you even hundreds of years. a missouri top level, not scanning. we do get a lot of support, you know, from the people who like to sit on the couches and writing...
Nov 26, 2021
eye 30
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busy with adrian alina, one know, that includes america, a connection with the problem is that somebody at the moment somebody says, god told me to do something, you can't have a rational discussion with them. and they're trying to install, ethnically cleansing, trying to get rid of all the palestinians that have lived here for tenants or for you even hundreds of years. a missouri that will, it will not scan. we do get a lot of support, you know, from the people like to sit on the couches and writing facebook all. well don, thank you so much, bye. defacto. you can count us in, in the 10 most of the villas denila. i'm ever sure i get in touch with one of them. that's at some portal this week. i hope you liked what you saw. remember there's lots more great video and audio content on our website and social media channels. i'll be back next week until then. see you online a, a with a on counting the cost count japan's new prime minister taxable income inequality loss. will the world trade organization health for countries to secure corporate 90 vaccines will be speaking to the w t. o is new
busy with adrian alina, one know, that includes america, a connection with the problem is that somebody at the moment somebody says, god told me to do something, you can't have a rational discussion with them. and they're trying to install, ethnically cleansing, trying to get rid of all the palestinians that have lived here for tenants or for you even hundreds of years. a missouri that will, it will not scan. we do get a lot of support, you know, from the people like to sit on the couches and...
Nov 14, 2021
eye 40
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so alina g, these projects also we have got a financial, a back in the sand, and the form of lawns as dick money as well. so we have to also think about this issue as well. our g, d, p. if we're 30 or 40 percent of a g, d p to be paid for lawns and debts, lee will no longer have equity for adaptation projects as well. so we, we really need this, michael. there's been a lot of focus at cop $26.00 on the role of fossil fuels. or what do you think about this discussion that's been had over the last 2 weeks? it's been given much more focus than in previous cop summit, correct? well, it's the very 1st time that a cop has actually mentioned, fossil fuels in a final text at all. you might think, rather remarkable, given that fossil fuels all the major cause of climate change. but the fossil fuel factors of the countries in which they are located and always resisted any language about fossil fuel. this text, those one very good thing in, in that sense it says we need to accelerate the phase out of coal. coal is the most polluting in carbon terms and also in local evolution terms of all the fi
so alina g, these projects also we have got a financial, a back in the sand, and the form of lawns as dick money as well. so we have to also think about this issue as well. our g, d, p. if we're 30 or 40 percent of a g, d p to be paid for lawns and debts, lee will no longer have equity for adaptation projects as well. so we, we really need this, michael. there's been a lot of focus at cop $26.00 on the role of fossil fuels. or what do you think about this discussion that's been had over the...
Nov 14, 2021
eye 84
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now it's time for a look at the weather, here's alina. it is quite and mild for most of us.llowing for some sunshine but this figure cloud across the north and west of scotland is bringing outbreaks of rain. and that will slowly edge eastwards and southwards through the offering arriving into northern ireland through the ceiling. the winds are mostly light but a bit more strength particularly across the north west of scotland and northern isles. temperatures 11—14 this afternoon, could see 15 across northern ireland. this rain continues south and eastwards over night, through scotland and northern ireland, possibly the far north of england by the end of the night. to the south are still a lot of cloud and possibly some breaks. where we do across southern england temperatures could fall to 5 or 6. where we have cloud 7—10. through the week most of us will be mild. most of the rain will be across northern scotland. still there is a front to deal with through tomorrow bringing outbreaks of rain initially across southern scotland and northern england, may be wales and south—west
now it's time for a look at the weather, here's alina. it is quite and mild for most of us.llowing for some sunshine but this figure cloud across the north and west of scotland is bringing outbreaks of rain. and that will slowly edge eastwards and southwards through the offering arriving into northern ireland through the ceiling. the winds are mostly light but a bit more strength particularly across the north west of scotland and northern isles. temperatures 11—14 this afternoon, could see 15...
Nov 28, 2021
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who can explain this in a lot more detail and with a lot more. kudos behind here is dr. caitlin jet. alina is an assistant professor of epidemiology with the school of public health at the university of texas health science center in houston. thank you so much for your time, dr. what i've tried to point out there in my own ways that we just don't know enough and that is, that is a problem, isn't it? because we don't know enough now. and even the w h, i was saying, well, we'll know more in a couple of weeks time, so let's not panic yet. but i guess countries are worried about losing 2 weeks. they are not getting a jump on this thing. yeah, i understand the worry bay. good science takes time. we have to engineer this fires. we have to let it grow in the lab in order to test it against how well our vaccines are going. we can't rash that asked us. and we don't want to rush in, so patients is going to be a very today's, the 1st few weeks. so the problem being that we, and i guess when i say way, i'm talking more about politicians and officials have gotten into this habit of seeing something bad
who can explain this in a lot more detail and with a lot more. kudos behind here is dr. caitlin jet. alina is an assistant professor of epidemiology with the school of public health at the university of texas health science center in houston. thank you so much for your time, dr. what i've tried to point out there in my own ways that we just don't know enough and that is, that is a problem, isn't it? because we don't know enough now. and even the w h, i was saying, well, we'll know more in a...
Nov 14, 2021
eye 106
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time for a look at the weather with alina. hello.hing into northern and western scotland and northern ireland and will continue overnight. weakening a little as the night wears on. further south across england and wales, a lot of cloud, some drizzle, and a few breaks in the cloud, and where we do see the breaks, we could see temperatures down to 5—6 celsius where we keep the cloud. 7—10 celsius the overnight low. still a weakening band of patchy rain tomorrow morning across southern scotland initially into parts of northern england, wales, maybe the far south—west of england. that will weaken as the day goes on. sunshine for scotland and northern ireland, cloudier further south with some mist and fog lingering through the morning. it's going to stay mild both by day and by night in the week ahead,
time for a look at the weather with alina. hello.hing into northern and western scotland and northern ireland and will continue overnight. weakening a little as the night wears on. further south across england and wales, a lot of cloud, some drizzle, and a few breaks in the cloud, and where we do see the breaks, we could see temperatures down to 5—6 celsius where we keep the cloud. 7—10 celsius the overnight low. still a weakening band of patchy rain tomorrow morning across southern...
eye 54
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guess will is up with the a little helix, which with those he, he, at least number. this'll buffalo, alina i was, was getting a little annoying deal up or difficult. yeah, shit though. is shit. dire. don't cush won't eat a national family guy to lelona. do you see? quit valuable in solution says on this i thing when diesel there at the bottom. nila ganga. bullies 4140 cushman. i hear they is taken off at the ringer. nothing even yesterday, but they can just last saw what it done by september 2002 special representative of the u. s. department of state specialist in russia. marie of on of ich raised the issue of ukraine's violation of sanctions against iraq in connection with the alleged sale of a batch of culture. great. our systems are representative of the president of ukraine. victor medford job thoroughly investigated all the charges and presented irrefutable evidence that the culture goes were not supplied to iraq. a little later after the occupation of iraq by multinational forces, the united states did not find any traces of the culture. gus, the charge was as valid as colon fowls t
guess will is up with the a little helix, which with those he, he, at least number. this'll buffalo, alina i was, was getting a little annoying deal up or difficult. yeah, shit though. is shit. dire. don't cush won't eat a national family guy to lelona. do you see? quit valuable in solution says on this i thing when diesel there at the bottom. nila ganga. bullies 4140 cushman. i hear they is taken off at the ringer. nothing even yesterday, but they can just last saw what it done by september...
Nov 28, 2021
eye 24
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busy with adrian, alina von? no, that includes a month ago. the connection with the problem is that somebody at the moment somebody says, god told me to do something, you can't have a rational discussion with them. and they're trying to install, ethnically cleansing, trying to get rid of all the palestinians that have lived here for tenants or for you even hundreds of years. a missouri top level, not scanning. we do get a lot of support, you know, from the people who like to sit on the couches and writing facebook all. well don, thank you so much, bye, defacto. you can count us in the, in the tense. those are the little cindy enough. i will listen to the lady and i just remember sure, i get there with him the whole alone. that's at some portal this week. i hope you liked what you saw. remember there's lots more great video and audio content on our website and social media channels. i'll be back next week until then. see you online. ah hello, there. the weather's looking a very mobile across north america at the moment. banks of cloud a which w
busy with adrian, alina von? no, that includes a month ago. the connection with the problem is that somebody at the moment somebody says, god told me to do something, you can't have a rational discussion with them. and they're trying to install, ethnically cleansing, trying to get rid of all the palestinians that have lived here for tenants or for you even hundreds of years. a missouri top level, not scanning. we do get a lot of support, you know, from the people who like to sit on the couches...
Nov 14, 2021
eye 52
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now it's time for a look at the weather with alina jenkins.istent rain putting into north—west scotland and northern ireland, that continues this evening, persistent at first but we can, a lot of cloud across england and wales, some drizzle across coats, a few breaks in that cloud, for most we are looking at lows of 7—11 c and still town of cloud and patchy rain throughout southern scotland, the far south—west of england tomorrow but that rain will weaken all the while, some sunshine behind it for scotland, northern ireland, the far north of england, much cloudier further south. north of england, much cloudier furthersouth. for north of england, much cloudier further south. for much of the week ahead it looks mild but by day and night can still some outbreaks of rain for the night can still some outbreaks of rainforthe far night can still some outbreaks of rain for the far north of scotland and northern ireland, most will be dry than turning wetter and cooler as we head into next weekend. hello, this is bbc news. the headlines: the queen misse
now it's time for a look at the weather with alina jenkins.istent rain putting into north—west scotland and northern ireland, that continues this evening, persistent at first but we can, a lot of cloud across england and wales, some drizzle across coats, a few breaks in that cloud, for most we are looking at lows of 7—11 c and still town of cloud and patchy rain throughout southern scotland, the far south—west of england tomorrow but that rain will weaken all the while, some sunshine...
Nov 8, 2021
eye 45
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we are li if saddam hussein a o m and m a can nam waste a he was, he told alina to fossil is called, coupled ali, he y mckinney liddy opium. couple, allie, he kenneth limped. uh huh. bye. saddam hussein's trial was shown throughout the world. the former iraqi president was charged with crimes against humanity. it started to what and emily kia and her to coon analogy 0 or on a lot of me a wider alice dot lara la mca, where i really wanted to see an, an alameda kia canutillio. what emily qa good? i had it. and mina, i couldn't more that and that was not cometh thus we're. if i had to from wine island with them enough. and now it has the back to an acid a had iffy mckennie, liddy. canada to laugh he, he amana, you know, can them, nor nothing had, if were they have to he want tucker, if you want the headless ella, how about a fee? let natalie it at the car can fee and she doesn't want us off. as the conflict escalated, so did the number of casualties civilians. iraqi fighters resisting the invasion and american soldiers al jazeera report has provided a realistic and close up view of the
we are li if saddam hussein a o m and m a can nam waste a he was, he told alina to fossil is called, coupled ali, he y mckinney liddy opium. couple, allie, he kenneth limped. uh huh. bye. saddam hussein's trial was shown throughout the world. the former iraqi president was charged with crimes against humanity. it started to what and emily kia and her to coon analogy 0 or on a lot of me a wider alice dot lara la mca, where i really wanted to see an, an alameda kia canutillio. what emily qa good?...
Nov 3, 2021
eye 32
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a he was, he told alina to basil alcohol coupled ali, he was my kind of lady. okay. a couple ali he cannot limped. uh huh. bye. saddam hussein's trial was shown throughout the world. the former iraqi president was charged with crimes against humanity. it started to what and emily kia and her to coon, an atom, jazeera air, and a lot of me and wade alice statler a la mca, where i really wanted to see an, an alameda kia kinetic what memory care could i had it a minute. i couldn't more that nist not coming up thus we're if i had to from wine island with them enough and now it has the back to an acid a had defeat mckenna, liddy canada, to laugh. he amana you, nor can them nora. this dustin hartley, if we're there, have to he won't tucker if you want the headless in a hell of a hot a fee that natalie is at the car can fee and she doesn't want us off. as the conflict escalated, so did the number of casualties civilians. iraqi fighters resisting the invasion and american soldiers al jazeera report has provided a realistic and close up view of the mountain casualties on all s
a he was, he told alina to basil alcohol coupled ali, he was my kind of lady. okay. a couple ali he cannot limped. uh huh. bye. saddam hussein's trial was shown throughout the world. the former iraqi president was charged with crimes against humanity. it started to what and emily kia and her to coon, an atom, jazeera air, and a lot of me and wade alice statler a la mca, where i really wanted to see an, an alameda kia kinetic what memory care could i had it a minute. i couldn't more that nist...
Nov 27, 2021
eye 20
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our products do not contain alina. she added that china customs technical testing center and should a group tested the same batch of samples using internationally recognized testing standards and methods, and also confirm that our products do not contain harmful bacteria. the company claim that the unscientific detection method and conclusion of shall anchors national plan quarantine service regarding fertilizer samples obviously do not comply with international animal and plant quarantine conventions. that's the judge dismissed by a number of sealant and scientists. the danger is that these microorganisms once applied to 3 lankin saw you few cannot pig them back so that if they become palm full, then there is no way that we could reverse the process. as a scientist, i wouldn't not curriculum and under any circumstance to ah, pick in this consignment of fertilizer. as the standoff continues with the ship anchored of the southern coast, the buys obtained a court order preventing a state bank from paying for the goods ja
our products do not contain alina. she added that china customs technical testing center and should a group tested the same batch of samples using internationally recognized testing standards and methods, and also confirm that our products do not contain harmful bacteria. the company claim that the unscientific detection method and conclusion of shall anchors national plan quarantine service regarding fertilizer samples obviously do not comply with international animal and plant quarantine...
Nov 11, 2021
eye 51
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alina hutchens in his arms as she died. his attorneys spoke about the lawsuit in beverly hills. this afternoon. >> this lawsuit is not about his desire to make money at all. this lawsuit is to bring awareness to a problem and to prevent it in the future. this lawsuit is to make these kinds of unsafe conditions that happened too much on movie sets. stop now. >> hannah gutierrez-reed recently released a statement saying the shooting may have been the result of quote, sabotage and alex baldwin also recently called for police officers to be employed on all film and tv sets that use guns. >> houston police have released new details of the deadly crowd surge at the astroworld music festival. the catastrophe happened during rapper travis scott' headliner performance on friday. 8 people were killed, scott and the organizers are facing criticism and lawsuits as a result. kareen wynter has the latest developments. >> the police chief confirmed some families still have loved ones in critical condition at the hospital. >> chief troy finner also clarified earlier reports that a security guar
alina hutchens in his arms as she died. his attorneys spoke about the lawsuit in beverly hills. this afternoon. >> this lawsuit is not about his desire to make money at all. this lawsuit is to bring awareness to a problem and to prevent it in the future. this lawsuit is to make these kinds of unsafe conditions that happened too much on movie sets. stop now. >> hannah gutierrez-reed recently released a statement saying the shooting may have been the result of quote, sabotage and alex...
Nov 4, 2021
eye 67
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had lini are about grow little. dear bad your men, alina, about your. all right, you, what, why you law, what to what catch and your corner? right. you were i right, you are, is sherburne, she, i look at i, mr. mary louder, be willing to share a de la barbie be, don't let it for us here. would you not rob telephone or the natural talk about our study? so what did you notice while at and her mom and i got to miss malloy albia until sunday the anna maria marcella and nancy thought my house up if i thought the horrible love if i to let natasha and jerry and can't stand. is there a kind of to a certain number that we talked about how the shape or temple a smile video must the little curtain? well, anna, me on a savannah me yet. mom i . after 5 months of rehearsals, the go live date was approaching. ah, the countdown began with november 1st 1996. the 1st global news channel from the arab world was launched by 4. looks like you read, no one brand ah, on the national bar. but the album who are i see it's half a can feed love without them. caldwell, i can the i
had lini are about grow little. dear bad your men, alina, about your. all right, you, what, why you law, what to what catch and your corner? right. you were i right, you are, is sherburne, she, i look at i, mr. mary louder, be willing to share a de la barbie be, don't let it for us here. would you not rob telephone or the natural talk about our study? so what did you notice while at and her mom and i got to miss malloy albia until sunday the anna maria marcella and nancy thought my house up if...
Nov 7, 2021
eye 26
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all right. handling me are about grow little. dear bad your men alina, about your all right, you what, why you law, what to what catch and your core know how to write you were i right, you are is sherburne, she, i love what i, mr. mary. louder, be willing to share head the lab be, don't let it for us here or not from telephone enough for talk about our study. so what did your wife and her mom and i got the bas milan albia and does anemia, missouri, and that she's better off my house up if i thought the horrible love if i to let the bus out. and jerry and the counselor, is there a kind of 2000 and i'm glad we're 50 and how the shape or temple a smile? did he had a must learn the new car. them well enemy, honest to have an enemy yet. but i, after 5 months of rehearsals, the go live date was approaching. ah, the countdown began with november 1st 1996. the 1st global news channel from the arab world was launched by or looks like you really do want ah, on the national bar. but the album who are i see it half a can feed love without them culpable, i can the is i thought that it will therefo
all right. handling me are about grow little. dear bad your men alina, about your all right, you what, why you law, what to what catch and your core know how to write you were i right, you are is sherburne, she, i love what i, mr. mary. louder, be willing to share head the lab be, don't let it for us here or not from telephone enough for talk about our study. so what did your wife and her mom and i got the bas milan albia and does anemia, missouri, and that she's better off my house up if i...
Nov 28, 2021
eye 92
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now it�*s time for a look at the weather with alina jenkins. it has been a quieter day today. frost and ice before outbreaks of rain pushed back into the north and west of scotland late in the night. for many, temperatures at or below freezing, rain pushed become into the north and west of scotland later in night. for many temperatures will be at or below freezing, down mine four or five for rural parts of scotland and northern england. in week ahead it turns milder on tuesday, doesn�*t last long, it turns colder from midweek on wards and there will be spells of wet and windy weather. the rain on monday will chiefly by a cross scotland, northern ireland and into northern england, courtesy of this warm front. behind it is some warmer air, so cloud and outbreaks of rain into scotland through the morning, maybe snow over higher ground, clipping parts of northern ireland could slide into northern england. furthersouth ireland could slide into northern england. further south it stays dry, the best of the sunshine down to dorset but here temperatures five or six celsius, a cold feel
now it�*s time for a look at the weather with alina jenkins. it has been a quieter day today. frost and ice before outbreaks of rain pushed back into the north and west of scotland late in the night. for many, temperatures at or below freezing, rain pushed become into the north and west of scotland later in night. for many temperatures will be at or below freezing, down mine four or five for rural parts of scotland and northern england. in week ahead it turns milder on tuesday, doesn�*t...
Nov 17, 2021
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i said, beg, i'll jazeera, near the poland bella roost border. alina cook, joe is the director of the globe set policy institute. she says, very little laid is getting to those in need. it is very difficult to assess what exactly is going on. and the board there are because the axis of journalists were a civil societies is limited on both sides of the border. that's enough either it's violence on both sides. the raw reports that of course, the police forces are using violence to respond to what they see. i had to attack the board, the and it's violent provocation, said the border at the same time are also evidence and reports that below and forces are due to not the people at the board that they're forcing people to stay at the border and not allowing people to go back to me and to return back home if they wish to. so unfortunately, it looks like the migrants are trapped between the 2 sites. are a lot of women and children. among them, the european union, the polish side, tried to pass some human uterine aid, but unfortunately, the butler which inside is not very cooperative. on the o
i said, beg, i'll jazeera, near the poland bella roost border. alina cook, joe is the director of the globe set policy institute. she says, very little laid is getting to those in need. it is very difficult to assess what exactly is going on. and the board there are because the axis of journalists were a civil societies is limited on both sides of the border. that's enough either it's violence on both sides. the raw reports that of course, the police forces are using violence to respond to what...
Nov 14, 2021
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now it's time for a look at the weather with alina. hello.land this afternoon, but the main rain band is pushing in to the north and west of scotland. we can see it here on the earlier satellite picture, this bank of cloud and it will continue on its journey south and eastward through this evening and overnight. some heavy and persistent rain also pushing into parts of northern ireland. it will be weakening as it moves its way south, but we could see some patchy rain into the far north of england by dawn. further south, there will be some drizzle, particularly for western and eastern coasts and also over hills. there could be a few clearer slots across southern england, allowing temperatures to drop to 5 or 6 celsius. for most, it is a mild night, the lows between 7 and 10 celsius. that is the theme, really, for the week ahead, staying mild both by day and by night and most of the rain will be in the north and west of scotland. so into monday, we still have this front lingering, but it is running into high pressure, so it is weakening all the
now it's time for a look at the weather with alina. hello.land this afternoon, but the main rain band is pushing in to the north and west of scotland. we can see it here on the earlier satellite picture, this bank of cloud and it will continue on its journey south and eastward through this evening and overnight. some heavy and persistent rain also pushing into parts of northern ireland. it will be weakening as it moves its way south, but we could see some patchy rain into the far north of...
Nov 14, 2021
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impactful, like so many things, when it comes to inclusion, now it's time for a look at the weather with alinaof england and wales today, but the bulk of the rain is pushing it in northern and western scotland and northern ireland and will continue overnight. weakening a little of the night wears on. further south across england and wales, a lot of cloud, some drizzle, and a few breaks in the cloud and where we do see the brakes, we could see temperatures down to five or six celsius, where we keep the cloud, seven to 10 celsius the overnight low. still a weakening band of patchy rain tomorrow morning across southern scotland initially into parts of northern england, wales, may be the far south—west of england, that will weaken as the day goes on. sunshine for scotland and northern ireland, claudia further south with some mist and fog lingering through the morning. it is going to stay mild both by day and by night in the week ahead, in fact temperatures by friday could get up to 14 or 15 celsius. mainly dry for much of england and wales, most of the rain across the north and west of scotland. t
impactful, like so many things, when it comes to inclusion, now it's time for a look at the weather with alinaof england and wales today, but the bulk of the rain is pushing it in northern and western scotland and northern ireland and will continue overnight. weakening a little of the night wears on. further south across england and wales, a lot of cloud, some drizzle, and a few breaks in the cloud and where we do see the brakes, we could see temperatures down to five or six celsius, where we...