we didn't warn anyone, they'll come down for you, a psychiatrist with a straitjacket, listen, alinka is in good hands now, and no one will take you anywhere, because she needs you, and why should i owe you believe, by the way, you need a consultation, at least with a psychologist, here you have it. listen, pasha, give me your phone so i can dial, but why, i have an important call, i can't get through, and you give me yours then, mine is also important, just a second, you 'll look at the number, no, i remember, come on. yes, hello, this is kostya kulygin, i need to talk to yuri valentinovich, i can't get through, are you nuts, if i don't pick up the phone, then why the hell do we need you here, listen. yes, olya kirillovna, did you call? there was a complaint about us. what are you talking about, on the subject impolite treatment. you threw him out of the car, didn't let him do the inspection. i had to cancel the call to the girl so that these two idiots could check, do we have an extinguisher, a spare tire. i don't want it because of some ambitious idiot, i don't know, maybe his wife