the comparative data, you look to human hand and compare it with a bat's wing, a whale's flipper, alion'sme bones. you can identify them bone for bone. that was in darwin's time. now question do that same kind of thing but with molecules and coded letters of dna. do you can look at long reams of code. the letter by letter exactly as you might compare two versions of the book of jeremiah. it's letter for letter comparison. you can count the number of differences this millions between humans and chimps and monkeys. you can take any two animals you like and look at their molecules and count the number of letters that are different. that is just so overwhelmingly strong evidence. darwin would have loved it. >> what do you say to ben carson who teaches medicine at yale. he says he's a creationist. he thinks that god created the world and you're going to tell me the complexity of the human brain and he's a brain surgeon came out of a soup full of chemicals and such. >> i'm going to tell him not but not subtly. it took a long time. that's what these people don't understand. they think it all hap