young producers and associate producers getting pregnant, having children, white house producer alisa jennings married to someone on the hill with two kids at home and she travels all the time. so there are ways corporations here are much more flexible in broadcasting now. one of our top executives in new york with kids at home, not taking on bigger roles. so it can be done and in a think about so out of touch trade of. our corporate structure out to be more forgiving as supportive of it. that is clearly the case. >> i spent four years here as chairman of the nrc in our son is just entering high school. so in fact, my husband and i made the decision that we've would not move here so as not to disrupt his life. without him in the school year is out. that meant my husband essentially during the week to do everything as much as i could and went home every weekend so i didn't participate in the washington social scene all the time. we felt to us both important to do the public service, but especially important that we kept stability in our son's life. >> okay, another question. >> i was wondering