i'm alisha duke. i've been involved in the community long before i even moved to san francisco and i've now been a resident for 26 years. the issues in our area and going up to market street, you know, and down to folsom are unique in that we have so many new construction going on and this, of course, represents a hazard for automobiles and people trying to get across the street they're on one side of the street and all of a sudden there's a sign saying you can't cross and if you're in a wheelchair you can't cross. the bicyclists are going insane with not responding to what are the rules of the road for bicycles and a ticket can be given to a bicyclist riding their bicycle on the sidewalk and they ride at speed they don't ride at 5, you know, inches an hour. and we've had people get hit but he bicyclists on the sidewalk and severely injured because bicyclists keep going. and you know really suffer severe injuries. i'd like to have the error for the mission changed so that they took into consideration