alison: today cheryl conner luxury hotel bearing the g.o.p. presidential nominee's name. >> it doesn't get better than this. cheryl: donald trump's son eric gave us a tour of the international hotel ahead of the grand opening and the ribbon cutting. he pointed out details left from the post office building. >> we completely restored them. cheryl: he addressed the criticism of the rates and the bookings. prices dropped significantly since the ope opening of the hotel. it takes any hotel a couple weeks. give us a couple of weeks to ramp it up, will you, please? cheryl: trumps are showing it off 13 days before the election saying it demonstrates trump's ability to create jobs and hire minorities. outside protesters gathered again along pennsylvania avenue claiming trump has created a culture of hate that will not go away when the election is over. >> the forces have been given a new platform. >> big tri, racism, hate. lies. sexism. cheryl: eric trump believes they are only trying to detract from the issues. others joined in saying trump should be demonstrating with employees and not cutting the ribbon. >> we are the only nonunion hotel on the strip. time and time again our employees have come out and