the woman standing behind the al" is alison krauss. theantiwar sentiment was on minds of many students especially the young man who knew they were deferred from the draft as long as they remained in school. this would change on december 1 that year when the draft lottery was put in place. as a photographer on campus, other than this protest march, most of the protesting i heard was in the classrooms and the student unions. the next antiwar gathering would not occur until may 1, 1970 when 300-500 students would attend a rally to protest nixon's expansion of the vietnam war into cambodia. by the fall, the antiwar movement had grown off college campuses to the mall in d.c. four of us decided to drive to washington, d.c. to join the antiwar protests on november 15. a few weeks after our own homecoming. we arrived friday evening in time to watch people on the soldiers that died in vietnam. int night, 18 of us slept one realm in our friend storm. the next morning, we headed to the mall and i was impressed by the size of the crowd and by thei