. >> thanks, alisson. [laughter] >> who did i offend? somebody is upset? >> all sorts of characters on your radio show, bill. thursday morning president-elect donald trump, this is the guy responsible for helping trump get elected, we asked him to pull the room on how favorable the muffin joke is. >> there are two muffins sitting in an elevator, one muffin says to the other muffin, you know, it's getting kind of hot in here, the other muffin says, whoa, a talking muffin. >> how would the muffin joke pull in new jersey. >> i think it would really bomb. i think it would pull terribly. less popular than most major diseases. >> adam had a joke of his own. >> can i help you? the moth says, i don't know where to begin. my wife doesn't love me anymore and my marriage is ending. when i look at my children, i see nothing but disappointment and it reminds me of my own failures in life. oh, my god. you need a therapist or a psychologist. i mean, i can't help you. why did you even come here in the first place. the moth says, well, the light was on >> great having you