joining us is aliya williams and star williams and their mom tina collins. beautiful family. so the mo magic programs and tell me how long you've been involved. >> since they started the mo magic program, that was in 2006. >> and how does it work? >> i starred taking my kids to the program because they have done good work in the community flew sacred heart before. my oldest daughter is 16. she is still involved with the mo magic program. >> have you seen a difference in the girls? >> yes, a lot of differences. >> what sort of differences? >> more focused my kids like to go places. they just don't like to hang out. when i go home, parents let their kids go outside but the kids like to go go outside because i take them places. >> how does it on work? >> i drop them off to say kretd hard for the program. i also volunteer and i pick them up and a group of kids like 12:00 to 5:00. sometimes we're doing different things, activities, reading. i got reading materials, so reading programs. it wasn't just they were doing the reading programs but able to work in these work books. >> and