there were no clear winners among them, officials say, quoting from governor of tehran province aliza fakhhari, iran front page writes, this law... says any candidate who wins at least 20% of the valid votes can enter parliament in the first round, but if they fail to garner at least 20% of the ballots, they will probably go to second round. over 250,00 forces ensure security of elections, official says. iranian interior ministry's deputy for security affairs majid mirahmadi said on friday over 250,00 forces have been tased with ensuring the security of elections and the polling sites. deli writes miradi said on friday morning that long cues of voters have been formed at many polling stations across the country, describing it as major epic. he noted that full security prevails at all polling stations thanks to the efforts by the security and intelligence organizations. venezuela congratulates iran on elections, commands its people's will. venezuela's foreign minister has congratulated iran and its people on their elections and and their dedications to combatting foreign plots. almayadin writes