important for us, the professional community took part in the person of, first of all, the all-russian association of fisherieswas a penny , manufacturers had enough time to set up the lines, measures were also in place support for small medium-sized businesses, the contribution of labeling to the price of the final product will be no more than a couple of rubles per package, but it will be easier for the buyer to understand where this caviar came from and how long it has already been on the counter. let me remind you that the average price of a kilogram of game is approximately 5,500 rubles. and the labeling on one can is valued there at a little more than a ruble. therefore , there cannot be any negative influence here - there are no problems with components or consumables either, today it’s much more than half, in my opinion it’s 80%, well depending on the industry, and this is all equipment and consumables either russian or from friendly countries, that is, there is no dependence here and there will be no negative impact, moreover, in order to further reduce any possible risks for the company , we like. ..