in the afternoon, my successor is the four palestinians, they are waving their shirts in allameh ali al-is-tsalamd they are marching. naturally, none of them were injured in the jals al-asry al-arabah on the ground, while it seems that it was a response to the orders of the israeli forces that were blocking the way of their imam to the gaza strip. to the left arm, while the end was extended to the stomach , trying to adjust the position of the body with all the air and rain, the killing of the soldiers of the surrendered israeli soldiers, where you can see the effects of the bullets hitting the sandy ground. bringing the soldiers back in the order of the scene of their crime, where the effects of pulling the body of one of the victims into the ranks next to the bodies of their comrades, before placing the weapons at the head of the image, in the middle of the night, if the prisoners of war are the height of the civilians, after the collapse, according to the geneva convention, if the execution of the prisoners after surrendering is also considered a war penalty . whether they are civilians or sol