joining me w law professor allan dershowitz. do you believe that there was collusion here? >> it's obvious, if the united states did not have any role in helping this go through, it would show -- of course they had a role and there will be congressional hearings and ben rhodes will have to raise his hand and swear under oath and when he is cross examined, he's going to acknowledge exactly what role he played, what role vice president biden played, what role the president played. this could not have happened without the complete support of the united states and this sets back the peace process enormously. secretary kerry who i know well and who means well have now discouraged the palestinians from coming forward and negotiating. because what basically he said to them, it's not your fault, it's the israelis' fault and now the palestinians say they have a clever answer, we'll sit down and negotiate, but only under the security council resolution which means they start the negotiation with the western wall in their possession, the access road to hebrew university and the ha dpr