. >> senator hagel, your former colleague allan simpson was part of the deficit commission asked by "time" magazine whether he'd run again. you're out of this game, as is he. this is what he said. "would you run for office now?" was the question. his response "oh, hell no. now it's just sharp elbows, and instead of having a caucus where you sit down and say what are you going to do for our country, you sit figuring out how to screw the other side." would you join this party again? >> i think al very eloquently stated this, as he is one to do. he's right. this is scripted politics. this is a scripted, political dimension, forum, caucuses give the members talking points and you don't stray far from the left or the right of your parties. you actually penalize when you actually question your party or question your administration. i once said, and it got a lot of attention, at a hearing regarding iraq in the foreign relations committee, if you did not want to make the tough choices and make the hard decisions and the tough votes, then go sell shoes. well, i heard from all the shoe people -