and daughter allantos, allash, come. flowers, well, there were no flowers , take the flowers, flowershe poem, that poem from may 9, and i want to tell you, and i want to tell you the poem, well, come on, leonid arkhadevich, leonid arka, our good leonid arkadevich, a field of miracles it's driving wonderfully, it's evening. the hoop is coming, now the evening of the hoop is coming, people gather at the screens, he conducts his business very brightly, everyone feels hot in their souls, he starts the show with excitement, offers the participants a game, for babies, oh, arkadyevich, lenya, so, it was dad who did everything by the way, that's not all. will bring more goodness and peace. and also a group of russian song ensemble yarila came here to support me , the orphan was crying on stage. reap the glory of the battle, weep the glory of the battle, the class of the poet of the path, like the poet of hell along the wide road, say limelas, like a bean's crumb, napicenavata smilova, vyhay bilachika. the colonel walks around, walks and walks, here is the order, reads everything, reads the or