on the other hand, i you allegra to control allergies. $500 for a four-month spread supply in the u.s.. it is under $200 for a four month supply in canada. host: do you go to canada to get your supplies? caller: i do. i cannot afford to pay $500 every four months for allergy medicine. host: another view from michigan. good morning. caller: thank you for this opportunity. the main points i would like to make is that in america, we spend one-third more per capita for health insurance. one-third more for prescription costs. in spite of that, we, at one time in the '60s, we were equal to or above other countries. since we have got this extreme for-profit system with insurance companies and pharmaceutical companies. everything is maximize profits, we have fallen behind. our life expectancies are lower than other countries. many countries have life expectancies at 82 years of age. i would like to see the elimination of all insurance companies for care. for everybody to have single payer. we know from studying these countries that the actual quality of health care of comes is better in all t