we are here today to honor the heroism of a very special young man, allesandro gonzalez, who lives in district 9, and he displayed exceptional bravery and good judgment during the tragic fire. allesandro, who is 13 years old is in the 7th grade at edison charter academy. that day, when the fire took place and i remember -- as you may remember, i noted that the fire alarms were not working and a lot of people did not know there was actually a fire. so allesandro was home alone that day with his dog, buddy. when the fire began, he heard loud voices outside, didn't really know what was going on and he had the good judgment of calling 911 immediately. when he called 911, he was told by the 911 operator that there was actually a fire in his building and that he should get out. unfortunately, and this was notice just in the experience for allesandro, but for other residents of that building, he tried to open the window, but could not get the window to open. so he had the bravery and the judgement to actually break the pane, and he climbed out of the window and you have to know that this bui