a handful of people including craig, wagner, roland pickins, allison chan and winona and myself around obviously our vendor consultants and next is the transition executive team. this includes the top executives of each divisional tower and hr., i.t., that teem is the ultimate authority on epic configuration, built, design, training, go-live, planning. any decision around that. there's a program management office administered through kpmg. the yellow boxes are important those are leaders and frontline staff we organize into four groups. patient care includes clinical operations as well as patient access and leadership team. i take that back, it includes clinical and operative administratorive folks and the council is charge, capture and h.i.m. information governance and the technical council interfaces integration, >> t infrastructure and the council charged with those types of decisions. the two parallel tracks that are vertical are important. the green is the project team. that's where we have loss of new hires and the project teams are designed around the modules an applications. th