first we'll confirm allison h. eid, whom the president has nominated to serve on the u.s. court of appeals for the tenth circuit. justice eid has some big shoes to fill in taking that seat. it became vacant when neil gorsuch was sent into the supreme court. it's a hard act to follow, and yet i have every confidence she will excel in the role. you see, nominees like justice eid and professor bibas are more than just the sum of their credentials. though theirs are indeed impressive. and i'll expand on those credentials in just a moment. nominees like this also believe, like justice gorsuch, that the role of a judge is to apply the law equally to everyone, and to do so as the law is actually written, not as they wish it might be. as justice gorsuch said, a judge who likes every outcome he reaches is very likely a bad judge, stressing for results he prefers rather than those the law demands. or put a different way, i don't think there are -- i don't think there are red judges, i don't think there are blue judges. all judges wear black. that's the view of neil gorsuch. that's th