is one thing, as it were, but living is a little different, of course, and my relatives, having met allonwife because he is very reliable man, they have a different absolute mentality, so it was reliable, so to speak , at first, i agreed, lived, i got myself a dog, brought it from belarus there, because my love is alabai, i wanted such a dog, and we became how to live with our small family with our dog, then yes, a miracle happened, i was very scared that i would become a mother, not in my own country, not next to my mother, but it happened, just like us very happy, in the end we got angelina, well, i feel very good live with foreigners. because he teaches me english, arabic, and i teach my dad russian, i sometimes help my dad in the kitchen, i want to become a pastry chef, but i also want other jobs, well, first of all, i married an oriental man, in the east, women stay at home, men work, regardless of their religion. his absence from home, well, every time i think that this is temporary, because sooner or later it will become easier, something will change, and we will spend more time to