Apr 28, 2022
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vacuna para los más pequeños y no deja de ser tema el título 42 las dud las aclara nuestra abogado almaar de trucos. a la culebria no le importa. todavía bailamos toda la noche. a la culebrilla no le importa. hoy le di cinco vueltas al parque. pero a la culebrilla no le importa. porque 1 de cada 3 personas tendrán culebrilla, necesitas protegerte. no importa cuán saludable te sientas, con la edad tu sistema inmune se debilita y el riesgo de contraer culebrilla aumenta ¿é puede protegerte? shingrix. puedes protegerte con una vacuna con más de 90% de efectividad probada. shingrix es una vacuna usada para prevenir culebrilla en adultos de cincuenta años o más. shingrix no protege a todos y no es para quienes tengan reacciones alérgicas graves a sus ingredientes o a una dosis previa. se observó un riesgo incrementado de síndrome de guillain-barré después de aplicar shingrix. también pueden ocurrir desmayos. los efectos secundarios más comunes son dolor, enrojecimiento e hinchazón en el lugar de la inyección, dolor muscular, cansancio, dolor de cabeza, escalofríos, fiebre y malestar estomaca
vacuna para los más pequeños y no deja de ser tema el título 42 las dud las aclara nuestra abogado almaar de trucos. a la culebria no le importa. todavía bailamos toda la noche. a la culebrilla no le importa. hoy le di cinco vueltas al parque. pero a la culebrilla no le importa. porque 1 de cada 3 personas tendrán culebrilla, necesitas protegerte. no importa cuán saludable te sientas, con la edad tu sistema inmune se debilita y el riesgo de contraer culebrilla aumenta ¿é puede...
Apr 14, 2022
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ros inmi inmigraci'on y nos acompaÑa la abogada alma rosa nieto.neficiarios de daca tienen buena noticia por c celebrar . pueden hacer el l l'inea la renovaci'on de su permiso de estancia en el pa'is. hasta ahora deb'ian enviar la documentaci'on por correo pero todo va cambiar gracias a unos cuantos clips de su computadora pero dinos alma rosa ¿es re realmente tan sencillo hacer la renovaci'on de daca? >>> es sencillo renovarla pero hay que tener precauci'on al hacerlo. no hay que cometer errores o der en blanco espacios porque eso podr'ia causar problemas no solo alg'un rechazo sino de p'erdida de tiempo, ya sabemos que est'a sumamente retrasado entonces que lo hagan con cuidado y lo pueden hacer el l'inea >>> ¿la pueden hacer todos los soÑadores o hay excepciones? >>> excelente pregunta, no, solo la renovaci'on, si usted cree calificar y es primerizo no podr'a hacer esto en l'inea. no est'an solicitando primerizos lo las personas que han so solicitadoaca en el pasado >>> esto ¿resuelve el problema de fondo que el programa daca no es permanente? >
ros inmi inmigraci'on y nos acompaÑa la abogada alma rosa nieto.neficiarios de daca tienen buena noticia por c celebrar . pueden hacer el l l'inea la renovaci'on de su permiso de estancia en el pa'is. hasta ahora deb'ian enviar la documentaci'on por correo pero todo va cambiar gracias a unos cuantos clips de su computadora pero dinos alma rosa ¿es re realmente tan sencillo hacer la renovaci'on de daca? >>> es sencillo renovarla pero hay que tener precauci'on al hacerlo. no hay que...
Apr 20, 2022
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borja: la verdad es que parte el alma escucharla. unido a la causa apoyando la niÑa. el clamor es que nadie merece sufrir de acoso y lo mÁs importantes al respecto. carolina: son imÁgenes que parten el alma, tiene apenas 5 aÑos. ojalÁ que los padres hablen con sus hijos y explican que es algo muy serio. hablando temas del peso, escuchen esto, o pierden peso o el empleo. mujeres con 35 pulgadas de cintura, este es en el departamento de seguridad pÚblica de texas. mÁs de 200 agentes si no adelgazan y estÁn por debajo de las medidas, antes de fin de aÑo, serÍan despedidos. deberÍan compartir sus esfuerzos diarios por perder peso. un tema muy polÉmico. borja: por eso estamos preguntando a la familia de "ediciÓn digital". dicen, no, serÍa descriminaciÓn. queremos policÍas que nos protejan y no modelos de revista. carolina: dice, claro que sÍ, un oficial o esa no puede correr. comentan tambiÉn, depende de su actividad. estÁn la calle, deberÍa moverse con rapidez. sigan participando en la pregunta del dÍa. ahora con el tema de las mÁscaras
borja: la verdad es que parte el alma escucharla. unido a la causa apoyando la niÑa. el clamor es que nadie merece sufrir de acoso y lo mÁs importantes al respecto. carolina: son imÁgenes que parten el alma, tiene apenas 5 aÑos. ojalÁ que los padres hablen con sus hijos y explican que es algo muy serio. hablando temas del peso, escuchen esto, o pierden peso o el empleo. mujeres con 35 pulgadas de cintura, este es en el departamento de seguridad pÚblica de texas. mÁs de 200 agentes si no...
Apr 11, 2022
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se llama alma y fue escogida por la entidad que organiza la copa amÉrica femenina de fÚtbol que se jugarÁadenÓ la tormenta. >> escoger a una perra claramente es un desatino. una salida en falso mÁs de la dirigencia colombiana y en este caso especÍfico de la organizaciÓn. >> el debate crece por la cuenta de alma. algunas consideran que el mensaje es ofensivo y denigrante. esta periodista especializado en fÚtbol dice que el debate no debe centrarse en la imagen de la mascota sino en una discusiÓn mucho mÁs profunda. >> hay que mirar la connotaciÓn. y una reflexiÓn cultural muy grande en el paÍs. por quÉ una perra, una loba o una sorna son relacionadas directamente para denigrar al gÉnero femenino. entonces salimos indignados en redes sociales. antes muchos no quisieron leer la connotaciÓn que le quiso dar conmebol. algunos prefieren mantenerse al margen de la discusiÓn. dicen que por ahora estÁn concentradas en seguir su carrera como futbolistas y ese es el Único objetivo.
se llama alma y fue escogida por la entidad que organiza la copa amÉrica femenina de fÚtbol que se jugarÁadenÓ la tormenta. >> escoger a una perra claramente es un desatino. una salida en falso mÁs de la dirigencia colombiana y en este caso especÍfico de la organizaciÓn. >> el debate crece por la cuenta de alma. algunas consideran que el mensaje es ofensivo y denigrante. esta periodista especializado en fÚtbol dice que el debate no debe centrarse en la imagen de la mascota...
Apr 18, 2022
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su muerte me ha partido el alma y el corazÓn.edo de que destruyen el apartamento donde vivo y muramos dentro. pablo: apenas salen fuera de los tÚneles para buscar agua y comida. en este campo de refugiados en polonia hicieron un pastel. >> es para que olviden durante un momento todas las cosas terribles que les han pasado y piensan solo en felicidad y esperanza. pablo: algo nada fÁcil, viendo la realidad de la que han huido. una de las cocinas instaladas por el chef josÉ andrÉs en jÁrkov, fue destruido por un misil ruso. hubo dos muertos y cuatro heridos. otro general ruso muriÓ en combate. son ya ocho generales rusos muertos en combate. fÉlix: sigue aumentando el nÚmero de refugiados ucranianos en mÉxico. todos tienen una historia con esperanza de llegar a estados unidos.— >> el albergue instalado exclusivamente para migrantes ucranianos en tijuana se encuentra su mÁxima capacidad. las imÁgenes muestran el flujo constante de migrantes. mientras unos entran para buscar resguardo, otros salen rumbo a la frontera para solicitar asi
su muerte me ha partido el alma y el corazÓn.edo de que destruyen el apartamento donde vivo y muramos dentro. pablo: apenas salen fuera de los tÚneles para buscar agua y comida. en este campo de refugiados en polonia hicieron un pastel. >> es para que olviden durante un momento todas las cosas terribles que les han pasado y piensan solo en felicidad y esperanza. pablo: algo nada fÁcil, viendo la realidad de la que han huido. una de las cocinas instaladas por el chef josÉ andrÉs en...
Apr 11, 2022
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más con el tema tenemos a paola ramos buenas tardes y ¿qué gana rusia propagando esa información en alma aquí que la presencia de rusia en latinoamérica tiene un propósito es derrumbar la imagen de estados unidos en latinoamérica y rusia lleva años cultivando la imagen de estados unidos como líderes hipócritas y por eso la influencia rusa sigue así en latinoamérica. >> ¿qué tipo de información falsa envía rusia? >> por ejemplo ahora mismo dicen que la masacre que vemos y vimos en bucha es consecuencia de los ucranianos que los rusos no son culpables de lo vemos y lo han dicho muchas veces y la razón por la cual que los rusos se metieron en ucrania y que están combatiendo las almas biológicas y que su excusa era para combatir a los extremistas, lo que acabo de decir ahora mismo es falso pero lo interesante es que no solo son los medios rusos que propagan la información falsa y medios venezolanos propaganda de maduro también distribuyen ese tipo de informacióes esa información que los rusos y gobiernos izquierdistas que distribuy información falsa. >> pero ¿por qué quieren llegar a los lat
más con el tema tenemos a paola ramos buenas tardes y ¿qué gana rusia propagando esa información en alma aquí que la presencia de rusia en latinoamérica tiene un propósito es derrumbar la imagen de estados unidos en latinoamérica y rusia lleva años cultivando la imagen de estados unidos como líderes hipócritas y por eso la influencia rusa sigue así en latinoamérica. >> ¿qué tipo de información falsa envía rusia? >> por ejemplo ahora mismo dicen que la masacre que...
Apr 13, 2022
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i put it up, it didn't get locked. alma the la la la bonded like boys meant to now but pretty a little about but if it failed on police, ashton, it almost did think on a screen. just take a seat above board mean that they don't go to the local agency. i'm trying to decode union one. i shouldn't say ah, if i'm keeping me public pool, if i'm lucky, you're locked up in one couple foolish fast food lithia, toyota on our plumping fixed 11. say did you wait? i was a village fellow set shown to look into la math, solves a little my syllabus of what you want, if you can just email me or what you love to see sally bottled on the la guy and added to the van de la young kim galia double the sabbath to lizzie, diana spun, you'll be ended up with the ship more. no w. me see up. i do to lisa one for 5. probably a lot of the larger let me know some new off on the west on the wall study opportunities. did news some to me this you just do new home. thank you. on the feedback. so you're good to me. i thought was on the lack of wonder needed to know if i that i made it every day knowledgeable about that
i put it up, it didn't get locked. alma the la la la bonded like boys meant to now but pretty a little about but if it failed on police, ashton, it almost did think on a screen. just take a seat above board mean that they don't go to the local agency. i'm trying to decode union one. i shouldn't say ah, if i'm keeping me public pool, if i'm lucky, you're locked up in one couple foolish fast food lithia, toyota on our plumping fixed 11. say did you wait? i was a village fellow set shown to look...
eye 41
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oh, to spain now and the canary i little fluff alma when nearly a 3 month long while came eruption lift entire villages by it beneath rivers of lava. the fury molten rock destroy buildings, plantations, and vineyards, and residence of the term, and to find a way to live with the wilkins legacy and rebuild their communities. cleaning up efforts at the foot of the country. the ha, in last montes are in full swing tons of ashes need to be removed. shadow gone, felice, and that other is had busy tube. it's a special clean up mission, but despite the hard work, she is relieved. her village is still there. boy, fairly similar. we were over the moon is not we didn't think we'd come back the eruption was so close just over there that are in thought. fire fighters and many volunteers have helped her to free the house from the ashes. but there is no running water at the moment and the roof of the small annex might collapse. she and her husband almost lost it all. m e m a was so scared to your house where collapses collaborate, vandal gone down by her. so nice are bottle of live because of all tho
oh, to spain now and the canary i little fluff alma when nearly a 3 month long while came eruption lift entire villages by it beneath rivers of lava. the fury molten rock destroy buildings, plantations, and vineyards, and residence of the term, and to find a way to live with the wilkins legacy and rebuild their communities. cleaning up efforts at the foot of the country. the ha, in last montes are in full swing tons of ashes need to be removed. shadow gone, felice, and that other is had busy...
Apr 24, 2022
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aumentó durante la pandemia así más de 5 millones de menores de 18 años tuvier por primera vez un almamás años de servicio en la historia al representar por cuatro décadas a yunta el presidente un gran año zelenski anunció la posible visita de altos funcionarios de estados unidos mana domingo se trataría el secretario de estado anthony blinken y el secretario de defensa (...) la casa anca el pentágono y otras fuentes iciales evitaron comentar el tema parecer la reunión de mayor nivel entre ambos países desde el inicio de la invasión rusa >> enflorida un oficial de policía rescató una bebé de un año de un apartamento en llamas la mañana del sábado se reporta un incendio en un edificio del ndado orange el oficial (...) trepó al balcón del segundo piso y salvo a la pequeña luego los bomberos rescataron a la madre y a la abuela no se reportaron muertes y heridos maestros denunciaráal dicato de departamento de educación por suspender sin sueldo a 82 trabajadores son acusados de presentar tarjetas vacunación falsas el sindicato está exigiendo que sigan en la nómina y tengan audiencia durante
aumentó durante la pandemia así más de 5 millones de menores de 18 años tuvier por primera vez un almamás años de servicio en la historia al representar por cuatro décadas a yunta el presidente un gran año zelenski anunció la posible visita de altos funcionarios de estados unidos mana domingo se trataría el secretario de estado anthony blinken y el secretario de defensa (...) la casa anca el pentágono y otras fuentes iciales evitaron comentar el tema parecer la reunión de mayor...
Apr 19, 2022
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dan and alma?sher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our client's portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a fiduciary, obligated to act in our client's best interest. (other money manager) so when do you make more money, only when your clients make more money? (fisher investments) yep. we do better when our clients do better. at fisher investments, we're clearly different. did you know that renovating your kitchen and bathroom is one of the best ways to increase the value of your home? i'm mike holmes here with ivan from agm renovations america's kitchen and bathroom renovators thanks mike! we make kitchen and bathroom
dan and alma?sher investments) in this market, you'll find fisher investments is different than other money managers. (other money manager) different how? aren't we all just looking for the hottest stocks? (fisher investments) nope. we use diversified strategies to position our client's portfolios for their long-term goals. (other money manager) but you still sell investments that generate high commissions for you, right? (fisher investments) no, we don't sell commission products. we're a...
Apr 12, 2022
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are the first in russia to export apple trees hundreds of thousands of seedlings go to alma-ata, the father of apples. this is how the name of the kazakh city sounds in translation, i am sure of the quality of planting material. this is the first and huge batch that travels abroad. we have been contracted for several years in advance and have not only that the guys buy planting material from us, but we will still be together in their conditions. uh, hmm our stuff. eh, the tester, each tree is cheaper than the fruit tree europeans and in quality. even surpasses it in close europe , stavropol gardeners do not change the land for growing seedlings. for 5 years, a new material with excellent varietal properties has been created every year, millions of trees are born in this operating room, here they are grafted almost the program code for bulk apples, the yield in the orchard starts from grafted seedling here in the workshop. that is, a completely sterile inoculation gives us a high-quality planting material, and in the future, a high-quality expression after the surgical cold storage. i
are the first in russia to export apple trees hundreds of thousands of seedlings go to alma-ata, the father of apples. this is how the name of the kazakh city sounds in translation, i am sure of the quality of planting material. this is the first and huge batch that travels abroad. we have been contracted for several years in advance and have not only that the guys buy planting material from us, but we will still be together in their conditions. uh, hmm our stuff. eh, the tester, each tree is...
Apr 12, 2022
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the first batch of apple trees has already been sent to alma-ata read more andrey chistyakov stavropol gardens are the first in russia to export apple trees hundreds of thousands of seedlings go to alma-ata, the father of apples. it sounds like this the translation of the name of the kazakh city is sure of the quality of the planting material. this is the first and huge batch that is going abroad. we have been contracted for several years in advance and not only for the guys to buy planting material from us, but we will still be together, uh, in their conditions, uh, our material. eh, the tester each tree is cheaper than european fruit trees and in quality. even surpasses it in close europe does not change the land for growing seedlings, stavropol gardeners. for 5 years, a new material with excellent varietal properties has been created annually millions of trees are born in this operating room, grafting is put in almost the programming code for bulk apples, the yield in the orchard begins with the grafted seedling here in the shop. that is, a completely sterile inoculation gives us hi
the first batch of apple trees has already been sent to alma-ata read more andrey chistyakov stavropol gardens are the first in russia to export apple trees hundreds of thousands of seedlings go to alma-ata, the father of apples. it sounds like this the translation of the name of the kazakh city is sure of the quality of the planting material. this is the first and huge batch that is going abroad. we have been contracted for several years in advance and not only for the guys to buy planting...
Apr 25, 2022
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alma is the name of a shepherd dog in a family of refugees from mariupol.helped them and neighbors to get out of the city for several days. i had to leave under shelling through copses and swamps. if it weren’t for alma’s instinct, the owner says it’s not known what everything would be 15 people ended, stretched out there were potential. after the houses have taken so far. before russia, you understand, we burned live bait, what can i say? you can’t imagine when people are ready to help you when you are being shot at, doctors and psychologists of the smallest are already on the platform meeting with soft toys for the elderly. immediately fit the doctors fell and everything turned me on completely, do not worry. the first wagon with refugees meets bashkiria, the family of elizaveta petty-bourgeois was forced to flee from the kherson region. we arrived at nine. here auto threatened russian in soul and in kind, and as long as you want him, and therefore for me this is my native country, all those who come are promised temporary housing and employment. if neces
alma is the name of a shepherd dog in a family of refugees from mariupol.helped them and neighbors to get out of the city for several days. i had to leave under shelling through copses and swamps. if it weren’t for alma’s instinct, the owner says it’s not known what everything would be 15 people ended, stretched out there were potential. after the houses have taken so far. before russia, you understand, we burned live bait, what can i say? you can’t imagine when people are ready to help...
Apr 28, 2022
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>> sentÍ que alma volviÓ a mi cuerpo. >> yo sentÍ que me morÍa y cuando me avisaron que habÍa sido rescatado volviÓ a mÍ. no le deseo esto a nadie. decirle a las autoridades que justicia. —— hagan justicia. >> conozco a dos de las personas que estÁn en investigaciÓn no puedo decir el por quÉ, pero habÍa vÍnculo con dos personas y no puedo darte mÁs detalles. >> sabemos que el niÑo estuvo separado de ti. >> gracias a dios mi hijo estÁ bien. tiene una salud increÍble. su condiciÓn mÉdica muy bien. lo encontraron un poco deshidratado porque a lo mejor no le dieron de comer, pero se encuentra con buena salud. yo estaba en una casa porque trabajo limpiando casas y en este momento recibÍ una llamada de mi cuÑada y me informo que mi bebe habÍa sido rap dado. >> no deseo que ninguna madre pase por esto. >> quÉ alegrÍa poder ver a carolina con brandon. la policÍa lo acusa de haber secuestrado a este bebÉ de sÓlo tres meses. tamara estuvo en el departamento de policÍa donde dieron mÁs detalles. >> fueron detenidos pocas horas despuÉs de que el bebÉ brandon fuera reportado como secuestrado. >> Él estuv
>> sentÍ que alma volviÓ a mi cuerpo. >> yo sentÍ que me morÍa y cuando me avisaron que habÍa sido rescatado volviÓ a mÍ. no le deseo esto a nadie. decirle a las autoridades que justicia. —— hagan justicia. >> conozco a dos de las personas que estÁn en investigaciÓn no puedo decir el por quÉ, pero habÍa vÍnculo con dos personas y no puedo darte mÁs detalles. >> sabemos que el niÑo estuvo separado de ti. >> gracias a dios mi hijo estÁ bien. tiene...
Apr 19, 2022
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robinson scholars here today who are studying at howard and georgetown and yale and brown and even my alma mater, princeton. first ladies in their own words continues now on american history tv, michelle obama traveled to alabama in 2015 to address the graduating class of tuskegee university historically bought college. she reflected on how she had grown in her role as first lady. she also acknowledged criticism directed her at herself and president obama and spoke about dealing with racism. and while the history of this campus isn't perfect the defining story of tuskegee is the story of rising hopes and fortunes for all african americans. and now graduates it's your turn to take up that cause. and let me tell you you should feel so proud. of making it to this day. and i hope that you're excited to get started on that next chapter. but i also imagine that you might think about all that history. all those heroes who came before you and you might also feel a little pressure. you know. pressure to live up to the legacy of those who came before you. pressure to meet the expectations of others
robinson scholars here today who are studying at howard and georgetown and yale and brown and even my alma mater, princeton. first ladies in their own words continues now on american history tv, michelle obama traveled to alabama in 2015 to address the graduating class of tuskegee university historically bought college. she reflected on how she had grown in her role as first lady. she also acknowledged criticism directed her at herself and president obama and spoke about dealing with racism....
Apr 18, 2022
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i asked folks around the country to wear the alma mater t-shirts for college signing day. at the end of the day, by staying true to the me i've always known, i found that this journey has been incredibly freeing because no matter what happened i had the peace of mind of knowing that all of the chatter, the name calling, the doubting, all of it was just noise. it did not define me. it didn't change who i was. most importantly, it couldn't hold me back. >> this is american history tv. you're listening to michelle obama in her own words. as first lady, she took up the cause of supporting men and women in the military and their families. she made a plea on behalf of veterans before a 2010 meeting of the clinton global initiative in new york. >> she reminds me with her work to be a voice for america's military families and veterans. using her platform to make sure they get support and respect and the appreciation they deserve. so it is with that, that i would like to introduce you to my first lady, america's first lady, michelle obama. [ applause ] >> as you endeavor to do more
i asked folks around the country to wear the alma mater t-shirts for college signing day. at the end of the day, by staying true to the me i've always known, i found that this journey has been incredibly freeing because no matter what happened i had the peace of mind of knowing that all of the chatter, the name calling, the doubting, all of it was just noise. it did not define me. it didn't change who i was. most importantly, it couldn't hold me back. >> this is american history tv....
Apr 29, 2022
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presentadora: los residentes que decidan vender su alma deben acudir al centro de la direcciÓn en pantalla enero. cuando el rÉcord de las 6:30 de la tarde se perdiÓ la pista de esta joven que ve en pantalla, pese a que su vehÍculo fue encontrado un poco mÁs adelante. la policÍa teme que haya mÁs vÍctimas de este hombre que no haya hecho ninguna denuncia. si tiene algÚn dato llame al nÚmero en su pantalla. y la policÍa detuvo a antonio rodrÍguez miranda en relaciÓn al homicidio de marÍn zepeda martÍnez quien el 19 de abril recibiÓ varios impactos de bala. la policÍa llegÓ a la zona en la madrugada pero no lograron salvar a este hombre de 43 aÑos. este homicidio sigue bajo investigaciÓn. si tiene algÚn dato llame al nÚmero que ver en pantalla. tendremos un fin de semana mayormente soleado en la bahÍa, pero las temperaturas aÚn no serÁn tan altas fernanda: ya de regreso para ver el pronÓstico extendido y lo que nos espera para la noche de hoy. temperaturas agradables alcanzando los 60° pero continuamos con el viento presente en nuestra regiÓn. trate de alejarse de los Árboles y tambiÉn cualqu
presentadora: los residentes que decidan vender su alma deben acudir al centro de la direcciÓn en pantalla enero. cuando el rÉcord de las 6:30 de la tarde se perdiÓ la pista de esta joven que ve en pantalla, pese a que su vehÍculo fue encontrado un poco mÁs adelante. la policÍa teme que haya mÁs vÍctimas de este hombre que no haya hecho ninguna denuncia. si tiene algÚn dato llame al nÚmero en su pantalla. y la policÍa detuvo a antonio rodrÍguez miranda en relaciÓn al homicidio de...
Apr 14, 2022
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would it be like, is that the debt collect alma allow? i'm in the cell of on to like pause, mentor now, but could be a little about pacifically, lou. i meant to not say like, gorski at cooper little lavonda about making this l. o. me the croissant. lydia. up. build up on this on the list, but by duel plaza, andrew or davids operating well, let me like maybe sell blackboard. i've been to force issue or fake website. oh ah bomb wasn't and stuff if you do. kensal kusha fill it up. luna sabra, when you look for a mutual cause you own police. osh, didn't it up more states like on a screen? just take a seat above board mean that they don't go to the local agency. i'm trying to decode union one. i shouldn't say good luck. ah . should this is to did. if they found blah, just unplug the law, still not been bullied from about us. go much up dollars. jim dealer again had a fall. may call me j. polly. my point is they just did this scene. they found both does a funky bottom, the little left bottom, the why? if i could say loud cute fusion, if i'm kee
would it be like, is that the debt collect alma allow? i'm in the cell of on to like pause, mentor now, but could be a little about pacifically, lou. i meant to not say like, gorski at cooper little lavonda about making this l. o. me the croissant. lydia. up. build up on this on the list, but by duel plaza, andrew or davids operating well, let me like maybe sell blackboard. i've been to force issue or fake website. oh ah bomb wasn't and stuff if you do. kensal kusha fill it up. luna sabra, when...
Apr 29, 2022
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presentadora: los residentes que decidan vender su alma deben acudir al centro comunitario de milpitas encontrado un poco mÁs tarde. tambiÉn han compartido un video que se de una persona que podrÍa estar relacionada con el caso. esta semana el secuestro del pequeÑo brando ha causado revuelo. y aunque no dijeron por quÉ las personas decidieron redactarlo, sÍ dijeron que las personas estaban obsesionados con el pequeÑo brando. saludamos al doctor monterrey. primero, cÓmo deberÍan actuar los papÁs si creen que estÁn pasando por esta situaciÓn. >> luego es importante es asegurarse que el bienestar de su hijo. si su hijo no estÁ en peligro, lo importante es platicar con cualquier persona que usted sospecha que tenga alguna intenciÓn negativa para poder ver quÉ estÁ pasando, en alguna pregunta, algÚn inconveniente. poder tener esa plÁtica es importante porque permite que usted pueda evaluar el riesgo que se le presenta a su hijo y puede tambiÉn intentar calmar la situaciÓn y prevenir una tragedia. presentadora: nos dice que es importante platicar con estas personas, pero muchos se imaginan,
presentadora: los residentes que decidan vender su alma deben acudir al centro comunitario de milpitas encontrado un poco mÁs tarde. tambiÉn han compartido un video que se de una persona que podrÍa estar relacionada con el caso. esta semana el secuestro del pequeÑo brando ha causado revuelo. y aunque no dijeron por quÉ las personas decidieron redactarlo, sÍ dijeron que las personas estaban obsesionados con el pequeÑo brando. saludamos al doctor monterrey. primero, cÓmo deberÍan actuar...
eye 37
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be highly transmissible, alma con variant is making it difficult for some of asia strongest economies. to recover an extended lockdown of china's manufacturing center, shanghai and spike in coven deaths in hong kong is making this close to impossible . if the buyers were to spread to many chinese cities and the government maintain a very strict 0 coverage of the really could be very disruptive to economic activity in china, which would emanate throughout the region and an expectation that the u. s. federal reserve will raise interest rates also has some investors worried? the circumstances have led the a d. b to trim growth forecasts 420212022. only one thing asserted in this global economy. a projection is merely that alicia china now 26000000 people, confined to their homes, and no end in sight. following a public uproar, shanghai officials have now allowed parents to stay with children infected with coven 19. but the full lockdown, which started in parts of china's largest city 10 days ago, has been extended images almost identical to the beginning of the pandemic. 2 years ago, sea
be highly transmissible, alma con variant is making it difficult for some of asia strongest economies. to recover an extended lockdown of china's manufacturing center, shanghai and spike in coven deaths in hong kong is making this close to impossible . if the buyers were to spread to many chinese cities and the government maintain a very strict 0 coverage of the really could be very disruptive to economic activity in china, which would emanate throughout the region and an expectation that the...
Apr 29, 2022
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que con este vÍdeo podÍa salvar su vida, otra joven se ofreciÓ para salvarle un riÑÓn y ahora son almasvestido. quÉ maravilla. un tiburÓn tigre devorÓ una cÁmara que fue preparada para observar su estudio. la cÁmara no se averiÓ y todo fue muy comÚn dentro del tiburÓn. borja: gracias por acompaÑarnos. carolina: presentadora: tras un aÑo de la explosiÓn de fuegos pirotÉcnico. muchos no tenÍan donde vivir. ii para hablar de las propuestas que tenÍa dinero en Ósmosis de familias para hacer frente al alza en el precio de
que con este vÍdeo podÍa salvar su vida, otra joven se ofreciÓ para salvarle un riÑÓn y ahora son almasvestido. quÉ maravilla. un tiburÓn tigre devorÓ una cÁmara que fue preparada para observar su estudio. la cÁmara no se averiÓ y todo fue muy comÚn dentro del tiburÓn. borja: gracias por acompaÑarnos. carolina: presentadora: tras un aÑo de la explosiÓn de fuegos pirotÉcnico. muchos no tenÍan donde vivir. ii para hablar de las propuestas que tenÍa dinero en Ósmosis de...
Apr 13, 2022
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. >>> dwayne haskins' alma mater has remembered the nfl quarterback. ohio state university honored haskins at a candlelight vigil last night. he was hit and killed by a dump truck saturday morning while walking on a florida state highway. police will not release any more information until the investigation is over. >>> a florida aquarium already facing scrutiny from federal officials is back in the spotlight. the latest issue deals with a dolphin and one of its handlers, and it was caught on video. here's abc's rhiannon ally. >> reporter: this morning, new controversy for the miami sea aquarium after a dolphin attacked a trainer during a show. >> i'm not sure what happened underwater, but there was definitely some type of struggle. and you could see both trainers trying to swim out of the water and the lead trainer kept getting hit by the dolphin. the audience could definitely tell there was something wrong. >> reporter: shannon carpenter recorded this moment when sundance turned on its trainer. >> kids didn't know what was going on. her ha they were h
. >>> dwayne haskins' alma mater has remembered the nfl quarterback. ohio state university honored haskins at a candlelight vigil last night. he was hit and killed by a dump truck saturday morning while walking on a florida state highway. police will not release any more information until the investigation is over. >>> a florida aquarium already facing scrutiny from federal officials is back in the spotlight. the latest issue deals with a dolphin and one of its handlers, and...
Apr 1, 2022
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holloway was, today, named the head coach of his alma mater, seton hall, where he was a star player.loway's former players joined the coach for one last huddle celebrating his big move. well, congrats, coach. >>> up next, meet the medical researcher who's saving lives and making history. (dr. david jeremiah) there may have never been another time in history when end times prophecy has been more aligned with the culture and circumstances of the world than it is today. i believe there are ten phenomenon we are witnessing today that were recorded centuries ago in bible prophecy. (male announcer) join dr. david jeremiah in his new series, "where do we go from here?" on the next episode of "turning point." right here on this station. >>> on this final day of women's history month, cbs' chief medical correspondent dr. jon lapook caught up with a medical researcher who has already made her own mark on history. >> reporter: dr. kizzemekia corbett is celebrated for leading a team at the national institutes of health that helped developed the moderna vaccine against covid-19. it's women's hist
holloway was, today, named the head coach of his alma mater, seton hall, where he was a star player.loway's former players joined the coach for one last huddle celebrating his big move. well, congrats, coach. >>> up next, meet the medical researcher who's saving lives and making history. (dr. david jeremiah) there may have never been another time in history when end times prophecy has been more aligned with the culture and circumstances of the world than it is today. i believe there...
eye 48
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and his reminder of the top story we are following for you at this hour, a man, alma kron fast secured, his 2nd term as french president, even as voters voice concerns over the state of the french economy, including the cost of living and mr. farms handling of the koran cars. it's a show for now for more checkout website. that's d, w dot com slash business. and of course the detail the news youtube channel. i'm chris kolber on berlin. thanks for watching. every self a successful with a joy ride through. fascinating worlds into uncharted deb with our guides and know their way around a strictly scientific trip to some pretty wacky places. curiosity is required to borrow today. in 30 minutes on d. w. ah . in every day counts for us and for our planet. golden ideas is on its way to bring you more conservation. how do we make cities greener? how can we protect habitat? we can make a difference. global ideas be environmental series in $3000.00 on d, w, and online guardians of truth on exile. turkish journalist, john dunn, darn, i have paid almost every price of being a journalist in a countr
and his reminder of the top story we are following for you at this hour, a man, alma kron fast secured, his 2nd term as french president, even as voters voice concerns over the state of the french economy, including the cost of living and mr. farms handling of the koran cars. it's a show for now for more checkout website. that's d, w dot com slash business. and of course the detail the news youtube channel. i'm chris kolber on berlin. thanks for watching. every self a successful with a joy ride...
eye 33
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the fail is a uniform imposed by islamists. alma was apology, said miss rosalie, you will create a civil war in the housing projects. madame la fern, i'm being honest, what you're saying is very serious, isn't oscars, could, would need to go higher than that. they don't accept that because what you said is very serious. i got to think it on an opinion poll from a french broadcaster found over half of the viewers surveyed thought micron was more convincing in the debate. the french voters will have the last word in sundays run off election. and that's it for now, for me and the news to him to not go away. business is off next and i'll have a well news update for you at the top of the all in the meantime there's always a website you w dot, i'm grab alphas, i switch ah, listen carefully. don't know how things you need to do go ah, feel the magic.
the fail is a uniform imposed by islamists. alma was apology, said miss rosalie, you will create a civil war in the housing projects. madame la fern, i'm being honest, what you're saying is very serious, isn't oscars, could, would need to go higher than that. they don't accept that because what you said is very serious. i got to think it on an opinion poll from a french broadcaster found over half of the viewers surveyed thought micron was more convincing in the debate. the french voters will...
Apr 20, 2022
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okay, this little one, this is alma. that means soul in spanish. she is a champion marathon runner.she's agreed to attach your fitbit to her collar so now all those steps can be yours. ( laughter ) ( applause ) alma! >> stephen: this is babs. you know that thing when you order a milkshake and they bring out an extra portion in a metal cup? that was her idea! ( cheers and applause ) >> good job, babes. >> oh, hey! this is goose. hey, goose! look at goose. goose was one of my co-stars in the movie "dune." yeah, she played the most challenging role of all: timothee chalamet's soft, fluffy hair. ( laughter ) ( applause ) >> stephen: hard to wrangle. >> it's really hard to wrangle. >> stephen: this is chantal. while you're sleeping, chantal goes to your computer and unsubscribes from all the spam e-mails clogging your inbox. ( cheers and applause ) hello! hello! so in the morning, the only "special offer" waiting for you is a snuggle-- and probably boner pills. ( laughter ). >> you're going to need those. >>tephen: , >> this little bitch right here is maggie. she is a huge "star wars" fa
okay, this little one, this is alma. that means soul in spanish. she is a champion marathon runner.she's agreed to attach your fitbit to her collar so now all those steps can be yours. ( laughter ) ( applause ) alma! >> stephen: this is babs. you know that thing when you order a milkshake and they bring out an extra portion in a metal cup? that was her idea! ( cheers and applause ) >> good job, babes. >> oh, hey! this is goose. hey, goose! look at goose. goose was one of my...
Apr 25, 2022
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showcase of the best documentary films from across the network on al jazeera ah victory for a menu, alma crohn, he's the 1st french president to be re elected in 20 years. and he's promising change. ah, hello, i'm emily anguish. this is elisha 0, live from jo. house are coming up as rush.
showcase of the best documentary films from across the network on al jazeera ah victory for a menu, alma crohn, he's the 1st french president to be re elected in 20 years. and he's promising change. ah, hello, i'm emily anguish. this is elisha 0, live from jo. house are coming up as rush.
Apr 7, 2022
eye 19
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samoilova on business with a certain brand and a gander from one other alma.estingly, it turned out that the businessman from him is no dog food factory. he almost ruined the tax problems, the workers are sitting without a salary, it's clear i met natalia, a daring mistress. i informed samoilova of his death. she didn’t even show that grief sad think it's a good fellow. well, i think she could do it. well, i checked the motive, she was at work motive. maybe he offered her to marry, and then changed his mind, she was his for it and a strong motive for murder in our country would have died so half the country . not well, mitya's version. i would not immediately reject it either. thanks, a difficult combination for a cynical mistress. yes yes right now okay i'll go. come on guys, i'm going to the authorities. on the carpet in the region against samoilov, they are going to initiate a criminal case. so he died just in time. but if all i will go. now everything is in order. i came home to my wife. sit down, i'll feed you. what, come here. that yes, nothing, everythi
samoilova on business with a certain brand and a gander from one other alma.estingly, it turned out that the businessman from him is no dog food factory. he almost ruined the tax problems, the workers are sitting without a salary, it's clear i met natalia, a daring mistress. i informed samoilova of his death. she didn’t even show that grief sad think it's a good fellow. well, i think she could do it. well, i checked the motive, she was at work motive. maybe he offered her to marry, and then...
eye 26
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the fail is a uniform imposed by islamists. alma was a policy said miss rosalie, you will create a civil war in the housing projects. madame la fern, i'm being honest, what you're saying is very serious. it was good. we did sick all here, then that is all except that because what you said is very serious. i have to think it on an opinion poll from a french broadcaster found over half of the viewers surveyed thought micron was more convincing in the debate. but french voters will have the last word in sundays run off election. that's it from me or the news team. terry martin will have an update for you at the top of the hour. i've got office thanks a lot. so you know, with some good and transformed into an orgy of hate and violence in the history of the ku klux klan, the oldest terrorist organization in the united states founded over 150 years ago. it's repeatedly died out, but always been resurrected. the ku klux klan starts may 11th on d w. ah.
the fail is a uniform imposed by islamists. alma was a policy said miss rosalie, you will create a civil war in the housing projects. madame la fern, i'm being honest, what you're saying is very serious. it was good. we did sick all here, then that is all except that because what you said is very serious. i have to think it on an opinion poll from a french broadcaster found over half of the viewers surveyed thought micron was more convincing in the debate. but french voters will have the last...
Apr 20, 2022
eye 118
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los fiscales lo acusan de dar fÁcil acceso a un alma a su hijo y de ignorar las seÑales de que el jovenonas donde ya fue condenado a cadena perpetua. maity: en menos de un mes la policÍa de perÚ lleva incautada varias toneladas de droga valoradas en centenares de millones de dÓlares. una, que nos lleva al límite... y otra que nos lleva a alcanzar lo deseado. y es con ese espíritu que nos aventuramos a conducir libremente hacia nuestro destino... con todos y para todos! presentamos la nueva jeep grand cherokee l salvajemente... sofisticada! durante el invierno, te aseguras de ponerte una capa adicional cuando vas a salir para protegerte del frío. este año, puedes hacer lo mismo cuando estés en espacios interiores pero para protegerte del covid. una dosis de refuerzo hace que tu protección contra el covid sea más fuerte, incluso contra la variante ómicron. en tiendas llenas de gente, en restaurantes, donde sea. si estés vacunado y tienes 12 años o más, ponte una capa adicional de protección este invierno. m ♪ maity: en perÚ la policÍa ha incautado mÁs de cinco toneladas de drogas en difer
los fiscales lo acusan de dar fÁcil acceso a un alma a su hijo y de ignorar las seÑales de que el jovenonas donde ya fue condenado a cadena perpetua. maity: en menos de un mes la policÍa de perÚ lleva incautada varias toneladas de droga valoradas en centenares de millones de dÓlares. una, que nos lleva al límite... y otra que nos lleva a alcanzar lo deseado. y es con ese espíritu que nos aventuramos a conducir libremente hacia nuestro destino... con todos y para todos! presentamos la...
Apr 19, 2022
eye 82
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like, whoa, whoa, at dealer i looked alma, not tell much equity dear. i vow, but it'd be like is that the debt collect alma allow i'm in the cell a bonded like pause, mentor now, but pretty a little about pacifically lou. i meant to not say like, gorski at cooper little of on the about little homemade. it was on the bill of upon the on the left front. you pay. pleasant to on the video. i play with the forces on the me. mom was top luna sub or premier ashton lake on us go and just take a seat above me and they don't go to the local agency. i'm trying to continue. one time i said, i did that they did if they just until the last filling up in full it was jim deal if i'm is it, if i make comments probably more important. they did this in the left bottom, the low left bottom, the left. i'm to fill out. if i'm keeping a filling pub i do for the simple so lockers are locked up in portable. 112 population lead time, i think and it's on my place. i think it was so i could say news of the pleasure of the village, the bishop who a de la was twisted. it was a feder
like, whoa, whoa, at dealer i looked alma, not tell much equity dear. i vow, but it'd be like is that the debt collect alma allow i'm in the cell a bonded like pause, mentor now, but pretty a little about pacifically lou. i meant to not say like, gorski at cooper little of on the about little homemade. it was on the bill of upon the on the left front. you pay. pleasant to on the video. i play with the forces on the me. mom was top luna sub or premier ashton lake on us go and just take a seat...
Apr 14, 2022
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include how it's the canons and 40000 or to me rounds hundreds more javelin, this 10001000 more anti alma systems. but keith will not get any fighter jets as part of the package. article have has more now from washington d. c. this is very significant, we're seeing now from the us that they're willing to not only do more of her vide more for ukraine in its war efforts, their reports that the u. s. is now looking at the intelligence, it's been sharing with ukraine and are looking to expand that, including possibly showing russian locations in the don bass. that is something they're exploring. something if they do, they probably won't confirm publicly from asylum seekers who tried to reach the u. k, by crossing the english channel, consumed the phone to wander for processing. it's part of the deal us expect it to be announced and signed on thursday. whitten's home secretary's already in reuben for the signing u. k will give re wanted just over a $130000000.00 as part of the child scheme. rights groups have criticize a decision for these in the u. s. state of michigan have released several v
include how it's the canons and 40000 or to me rounds hundreds more javelin, this 10001000 more anti alma systems. but keith will not get any fighter jets as part of the package. article have has more now from washington d. c. this is very significant, we're seeing now from the us that they're willing to not only do more of her vide more for ukraine in its war efforts, their reports that the u. s. is now looking at the intelligence, it's been sharing with ukraine and are looking to expand that,...
Apr 16, 2022
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qué pueda pasar en esta gira pero voy con toda la energía y la gente me conoce sabe que yo doy el almaron el palacio para mudarse a california ambos iban camino a la sede pero hicieron una parada. la monarca los recibió tras recuperarse del covid-19. >> pospone la vacunación en las escuelas del estado les voy a contar por qué. >> desde el corazón de san josé decimos cuáles la propuesta de uno de los concejales para detener el tráfico vehicular en las calles más populares del área. >> varios errores por prescripciones médicas. les digo cómo verificar que su prescripciones la correcta >> noticiero telemundo 48 primeros contigo siete días a la semana >> conoce nuestra gran variedad todos con garantía >> fácil y rápido >> lo atendemos en su propio idioma (comerciales) >> 5:53 de la tarde le comento que el estado de california recibió reportes sobre errores en recetas médicas en farmacias. causando daños a pacientes durante la pandemia. nos dice cómo asegurarse de que su farmacia no se equivoque con su prescripción. >> sabiendo que estos errores ocurren usted puede asesorarse de que las pas
qué pueda pasar en esta gira pero voy con toda la energía y la gente me conoce sabe que yo doy el almaron el palacio para mudarse a california ambos iban camino a la sede pero hicieron una parada. la monarca los recibió tras recuperarse del covid-19. >> pospone la vacunación en las escuelas del estado les voy a contar por qué. >> desde el corazón de san josé decimos cuáles la propuesta de uno de los concejales para detener el tráfico vehicular en las calles más populares...
Apr 17, 2022
eye 41
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was getting nobela mer armando, like whoa, whoa, at dealer i looked alma natal, much equity began dia, eyebrow, but it'd be like is that the debt collect alma fella miller cell a bonded like boys, mentor now, but pretty a little about pacifically. lou. i meant to not say like, gorski at cooper little of on the about little homemade. it was on the area of upon the on the left front, you pay pleasant to on the video. i play with the cell for the forces i was on the sub or when the premier shoot because you didn't like on a school and just take a bubble mean they don't go to the local agency. i'm trying to continue. one issue i did this is to julie did. if they from just until the law filling up in full, it was up those jim deal if i'm is it, if i may fall in my opponent they they pump off the lift gate. keep up the low left thumb potters the what if you feel like if i'm keeping a film pub i do. if i'm out of the simple so lockers are locked up in portable, one population that goes live time. african is on insulin play. my play fighting it . so i could just say news of the pleasure of th
was getting nobela mer armando, like whoa, whoa, at dealer i looked alma natal, much equity began dia, eyebrow, but it'd be like is that the debt collect alma fella miller cell a bonded like boys, mentor now, but pretty a little about pacifically. lou. i meant to not say like, gorski at cooper little of on the about little homemade. it was on the area of upon the on the left front, you pay pleasant to on the video. i play with the cell for the forces i was on the sub or when the premier shoot...
Apr 25, 2022
eye 530
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escobosa: desde aquel accidente, su esposo se dedicÓ en cuerpo y alma a sus cuidados.Í, estÁ bien”. le dio mucho gusto al niÑo. escobosa: la ingeniosa idea motivÓ a decenas de aficionados en la misma colonia a congregarse en casa de ramÍrez para seguir sus instrucciones. y es que... ramÍrez: tijuana es una de las plazas mÁs importantes para el mundo del boxeo. es la punta de lanza para el mundo del boxeo. en tijuana han salido muchÍsimos campeones del mundo. tijuana son los ojos del mundo para el boxeo. de aquÍ salen peleadores para todas las partes del mundo. escobosa: los apoyos empezaron a llegar. ramÍrez: entonces hay un fabricante de costales que nos mirÓ. me los mandÓ y yo digo “yo no tengo dinero para comprarte”. y me dice, “no, usted se los ganÓ. es cortesÍa”. cuando pasa otra gente y dicen “oiga, ¿nos puede ayudar a entrenar?”. escobosa: necesitaba un techo y el equipo necesario para convertir este espacio en centro de entrenamiento profesional de jÓvenes talentos. esta chica es una de las grandes promesas de tijuana. le llaman “la muÑeca”. >> este fue el prim
escobosa: desde aquel accidente, su esposo se dedicÓ en cuerpo y alma a sus cuidados.Í, estÁ bien”. le dio mucho gusto al niÑo. escobosa: la ingeniosa idea motivÓ a decenas de aficionados en la misma colonia a congregarse en casa de ramÍrez para seguir sus instrucciones. y es que... ramÍrez: tijuana es una de las plazas mÁs importantes para el mundo del boxeo. es la punta de lanza para el mundo del boxeo. en tijuana han salido muchÍsimos campeones del mundo. tijuana son los ojos del...
Apr 16, 2022
eye 32
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, eyebrow, but it be like, is that the debt collect alma allow? i'm in the cell of on to like pause, mentor now, but pretty a little about ask if it play lou. i meant to not say like, gorski at cooper little lavonda about making this l. o. me the quasi. lydia, up build up on this is on the list, but by duel plaza. andrew or davids operate. well let me like maybe sell blackboard . i've been to force issue or fake website. oh ah bomb wasn't and stuff if you do. kennesaw kusha fill it up. luna sabra. what a little mute cuz you own police ashton at dublin state like on pascoe just take a seat above board mean that they don't go to p local agency. i'm trying to decode union one power issue ah, just was really did if they found blah, just until the last sale not been bullied from about us, go much up dollars them a get a fall may call me shape ali. my point is they just did this scene, they found does a funky bottom to little left. but those the what if i could say live cute fusion? if i'm to peter limine assailant 5, i do poorly. a farm out don't was t
, eyebrow, but it be like, is that the debt collect alma allow? i'm in the cell of on to like pause, mentor now, but pretty a little about ask if it play lou. i meant to not say like, gorski at cooper little lavonda about making this l. o. me the quasi. lydia, up build up on this is on the list, but by duel plaza. andrew or davids operate. well let me like maybe sell blackboard . i've been to force issue or fake website. oh ah bomb wasn't and stuff if you do. kennesaw kusha fill it up. luna...
Apr 11, 2022
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persona destrozara la noche del jueves una bandera ucraniana que uno de los residentes de la calle almae). >>> ahora el sur de california donde el robo de una camioneta a una familia los ha dejado con un gran problema de transporte porque tienen diez niños y dos de estos con autismo y otro más que sufre hidrocefalia. ahora la información. >>> la familia barbosa no puede creer que alguien haya robado uno de sus vehículos frente a sus ojos. >>> (hablan en inglés). >>> nos encontramos comiendo nuestra cena, a eso de las seis de la tarde, al salir ya no tenía mi camioneta y no lo podía creer. >>> lo triste para esta familia es que la camioneta era donde transportaban a sus hijos, dos de estos con autismo y una niña que sufre hidrocefalia. >>> (hablan en inglés). >>> a mi niña la tengo que llevar hasta hollywood porque sufre hidrocefalia, >>> el vehículo se encontraba fuera de su casa dentro de la propiedad que es parte de la iglesia y aunque se ha reportado a la policía pasan las horas y los días y el vehículo todavía no aparece. >>> (hablan en inglés). hasta este momento nadie ha visto nad
persona destrozara la noche del jueves una bandera ucraniana que uno de los residentes de la calle almae). >>> ahora el sur de california donde el robo de una camioneta a una familia los ha dejado con un gran problema de transporte porque tienen diez niños y dos de estos con autismo y otro más que sufre hidrocefalia. ahora la información. >>> la familia barbosa no puede creer que alguien haya robado uno de sus vehículos frente a sus ojos. >>> (hablan en inglés)....
Apr 18, 2022
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like whoa, whoa, at dealer i looked alma not tell much equity began dear eyebrow. could it be like a separate den? dea looked alma, the la miller sill of on the leg boys meant to now, but pretty a little about pacifically. lou, i meant to not say like, gorski at cooper listen, lavonda about making this l. o. me the croissant lid there. yeah, up there. hold off on this is on the list, but by those you will pay twice them through or david's operating. well, let me like maybe sell black. well, i've been to force issue or fake website. oh ah bomb wasn't and stuff if you do. kensal kusha filled it up. luna sabra way, little mucous, you own police. osh didn't it was to click on the phone and just take a seat, bob, board mean that they don't go to be lawful. as you see, i'm trying to decode union one, i shouldn't say ah, just was really did. if they found blah, just unplug the law, still not been fully pharma. let's go watch outdoor with them. give a de la made commentary. pilot, my boy is a big jewish decision they pump. does a funky bottle left bottles? the why, if i ca
like whoa, whoa, at dealer i looked alma not tell much equity began dear eyebrow. could it be like a separate den? dea looked alma, the la miller sill of on the leg boys meant to now, but pretty a little about pacifically. lou, i meant to not say like, gorski at cooper listen, lavonda about making this l. o. me the croissant lid there. yeah, up there. hold off on this is on the list, but by those you will pay twice them through or david's operating. well, let me like maybe sell black. well,...
Apr 12, 2022
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oh at daylight i looked alma not so much equity began dear, i bow could it be like a separate den debt collect alma de la miller cell of on to like, boys meant to now, but pretty a little about pacifically. lou, i meant to not say like, gorski at cooper listen, lavonda about little homemade. it was on need to build up on the on the left front. do you have a pleasant view on the video? i play well let me maybe sell black for the for the me. i was on the sub or lip him years because you didn't it up much to take on just take a bubble mean that they don't go to the local agency. i'm the pointing in one of my, [000:00:00;00] i me, this is to julie did. if they from just the law filling up in boy was jim gill. if i'm is it, if i may fall in why they did this in the left bottom, the low left bottom, the left. i'm to fill out. if i'm keeping a filling pipe, i do for the fun part, delta sample. so lockers are locked up in both to one couple foolish on the lead time. i think any place i think it was like a good faith was removed from pleasure. if the large, the bishop going to a de la was only
oh at daylight i looked alma not so much equity began dear, i bow could it be like a separate den debt collect alma de la miller cell of on to like, boys meant to now, but pretty a little about pacifically. lou, i meant to not say like, gorski at cooper listen, lavonda about little homemade. it was on need to build up on the on the left front. do you have a pleasant view on the video? i play well let me maybe sell black for the for the me. i was on the sub or lip him years because you didn't it...
Apr 7, 2022
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prioridad van a revisar cientos de miles de kcasos >>> hay que hacer las cosas ven muchas gracias almanos vemos la proxima semana >>> un gusto graduaccias >>> pvamos a una pausa comercia y regresamos con estas hiostoria en noticias telemundo mediodia le preocupa sus inanzas le tenemos un rpeporte sobre lo qu piensan los hmnnispanos y la temporada de beisbol arranca dde manera oficial despues de s superar la huelga de peloteros quedese con nosotros ( musica ( de anción médica si un tratamiento oral es adecuado para usted. los tratamient orales pueden tomarse en casa y deben administrarse dentro de los 5 días posteriores a la aparición de los síntomas. si tie síntomas de covid-19, incluso si son leves... no espere, hágase rápido una prueba. si da positivo y está en alto riesgo de enfermedad grave, actúe de inmediato... pregunte si un tratamiento oral es adecuado para usted. el covid-19 se mueve rápido... y ahora usted tambn puede hacerlo. [ bee buzzing ] y ahora usted tambn tu primavera feliz comienza con lo's. aprovecha todas las ofertas de springfest. lowe's. el hogar para cualquier pr
prioridad van a revisar cientos de miles de kcasos >>> hay que hacer las cosas ven muchas gracias almanos vemos la proxima semana >>> un gusto graduaccias >>> pvamos a una pausa comercia y regresamos con estas hiostoria en noticias telemundo mediodia le preocupa sus inanzas le tenemos un rpeporte sobre lo qu piensan los hmnnispanos y la temporada de beisbol arranca dde manera oficial despues de s superar la huelga de peloteros quedese con nosotros ( musica ( de...
Apr 21, 2022
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. >> reporter: life lessons nyle took to his alma mater "galluduet," the famed school d.c.,etng the sinspiring younger deaf dreamers to be the change. >> honestly, you are your best opportunity. you can do anything. >> reporter: from advice for life to a dramatic look at life itself, dimarco produced the netflix series "deaf u," an unvarnished, often provocative look at the deaf experience at galluduet. >> did you think we would ever have a connection again? >> i'm not donna lie, i don't mind sleeping with you. >> reporter: episodes exploring love, activism, discovering sexual identities while navigating a world not always designed for the deaf. >> i myself identify as queer. and growing up, obviously it wasn't easy trying to assimilate to the expectations of a larger society that expected something different from me. but now that i have a seat at the table, i see that i want change and i have the power to impact it. i can highlight queer representation within my own community. >> you are a queer role model now. >> yeah. >> did you ever think in your wildest dreams you would be here n
. >> reporter: life lessons nyle took to his alma mater "galluduet," the famed school d.c.,etng the sinspiring younger deaf dreamers to be the change. >> honestly, you are your best opportunity. you can do anything. >> reporter: from advice for life to a dramatic look at life itself, dimarco produced the netflix series "deaf u," an unvarnished, often provocative look at the deaf experience at galluduet. >> did you think we would ever have a connection...