almmstthalfwayythrough the &pmooth and we're still in thh 50's, unbelievable. h forecast. 3 predator drones every move. the shocking reason one of thhse stealthy planes was stalking n entire family for daas. heetaa mahhl of unbellevable opulanne of this kind of the commodes and what it will take for you to try out this throne of thrones. get the technology they love, on the network they deserve. like the powerful droid charge by samsung, or get the samsung stratosphere, and for a limited time, get twice the data for the same low price. verizon. north dakota... bbsted by... ááusingáá... a... predator drone... /// /// their.../ crime...? áátheeáá... 6--cows.../// áátheáá... brossarts,.../// weree.. deemed.../ so dangerous.../// áápoliceáá...// unleashed... an.../ &punmanned... ppedator drone... them....// áátheáá... brossart's.,../ wouldd't... give back .../ 6--cows...// that... wandered .../ on... áátheseáá samee... weapons...// used ... in pakistan.../ and fghanistan.../ are... now.../ being deployyd.../ on.../ americans.../ in... their oon.../ backyards....////