that led to the panthers was, what we were seeing on television every day, attack dogs, fire hoses, almondnds. -- bombibings. >> i was a cocteau waitress in a white strip c club two years before i joined the black panthers party. >> it was everywhere. the 50th month ark anniversary of the founding of the black panther party, which famously monitor the behavior of police, begin a breakfast program for children and free health care clinics. today we focus on an overlooked part of the panthersrs legacy, political prisonerers. we w will feature interviews wih panthers who originally were convicted after tortured confessions. >> in 197373 in new orleans, herself and john bowmaman and ruben scott was arrested in new orleans by the police department. place wheren -- the we w were arrested, they took us to jail. immediately, they started beating us. amy: in a historic roundabable we w wilbe joioid by four former blkk panthers who are held in prison f for decades before winning the release. in his first national brbroadcat interview, we will speak w with sekou odingaga, who helped build the black papa