delegation, terry kramer, we will engage in a graeme bilateral discussions, as well, by kind of an alogy, or head of delegation and deputy head of delegation dick baird engaged in about 50 bilateral discussions leading up to the conference itself. so we are very actively engaged in discussions with friends and with those who may have different opinions. and that's going to continue on right up to the conference itself. >> where would you say we are? are we in -- is there still a split? is there a consensus that comes around our view more than other views of this, of the regions that you just mentioned? >> yes. i think one way to describe the state of the activities at this point would be to think of this conference as potentially having two tracks. the first track would have been an effort at direct regulation of the internet, something that was a source of concern a year and more ago but i think is less a source of concern now. the only really direct effort that i'm aware of to accomplish is that was a proposal by the russian federation to create a framework, an entirely new framework f