. - ttem.it happened alongg mmgan gilliland is here with the latest on their ccnditions & and the investigaaionis hour. 3 gooddmorninggguysthe mostt intense moments came as the fronn of tte brick building -ppollapsee... onto a fiie - truuk... trapping five debris.á19:32:52 "it'' unbelievaale."áá9:23:09 "it's really bad.. bad.""ouuhly a hundred fiiefightees were on the -3 scenn....franticalll wwrking &pto free themmall five trapped - fire fighters ere taken to shock trauma.and at this &pcondition... forttnately with onllyminor injuries.crees were able to containnthe fire to tto buiidings.one of themm.. housed a longgime usiness downtown. 3 19:23:58 "i belieee hat's the llubbr yard."18:51:23 "oh, pthat's wooo buuniig riiht there. rand new wood." &&9:33::8 "it'' been here for maybe fifty years or something & liie hat."11:27:06 "thii -3 neighborhood is reelly old." old."theebuilding hich housed -3 theelumbbr company... is a cootinne to clear tte - debbis... you can expeet some road cllssres in he surroundiiggarea today. &p3 pnvestigators are still tryinn po figure out hat starteddthe fire.i'll brii