the technologies are based on nickel titanium aloysius known simply as the composite was actually discovered by u.s. naval researchers back in one nine hundred sixty two but due to production complexities it's the only game proper appreciation in the last two decades when its founding increasing use in their arena in planetology is intriguing because it exhibits both sheep memory ensued to allow us to city this means that through manipulation temperature and stress the material can be deformed it will and rely. we returned back to give you a better idea of how did it know works in action we've constructed a quick experiment using this implant for patients with a sunken chest you can see i can bend it out of shape because we've chilled it on ice but when i drop it in warm water i can bring it back in a second's time useful here because of its capacity for reversible solid state phase transformation above a temperature fixed by the producers of each net no alloy the metal has a simple interpenetrating cubic crystal structure at lower temperatures it spontaneously transforms to a more complex c