alpha capita alpha sorority. you focus primarily on middle and high school. >> middle and high school students. we have a partnership with idea public charter school in the northeast but we've worked with the washington middle school for girls. we have a plethora of programs and services that we provide. from scholarships to back packs to school supplies to educational enrichment trips. i think, you know, we hear a lot in the community tha there's nothing for the kids to do. right. everybody screams and shouts that when something happens, but there are so many programs out there, there are so many wonderful groups doing things, not just alpha kappa alpha but many groups. those programs are free or reduced. but, you know, we want families to be able to reach out to us and be a part of our programming. we have so many programs that we provide, so many diverse programs. you heard earlier about language immersion programs that address the whole family as a unit. it's not just about just the middle or high school student, but it's about the whole entire family, the entire community and that's what we do at alpha kappa alpha. our pillar is education and that's a big focus for us. >> my mother always said an idle mind is the devil's workshop. we know young people have energy that needs to be channelled. how are you dealing with young people in deanwood no. >> we've started consistent dialog with our schools. we work diligently with the police department to do community policing that's more community driven as opposed to responsive. and we're also trying to get our school systems to open back up our playgrounds. for instance, in d