i will entertain substitutes or alrnatives, and we can vote among ourselves between the two. that would b the best way to deal with it. there'll be a house proposal that may be offered, and i would entertain an alternative to the house proposal if anybody s one. we would then vote amongst ourselves on the house side, and the results of that would be offered to e senate, and i assume vice versa. >> what chairman frank just pointed out is that so theay before w gather, we go over what titles we will talkbout. you arnot coming in and ndering if someone is going to spring an amendment on you, so whatever the titles are will be the sject of the debate. we limited to that day and we knowhead of time what they are. >> having done energy and commerce with other committees in the past, will you announce whether members of particular committeesilbe considered to be in order for that section? >> that is a very good point. in the house, we will announce at the beginning of consideration of each item, we will announce on the house sid which members have the votes. if we don't get overcrow