alseu, your father’s friend is against your unequal marriage and believes that this is a shame for thed. this is what the people in the republic decided, they are disgracing their father, disgracing their uncle, and so on, they have already started pouring in to my editorial office, i tried a little to justify her in my newspaper, and calls are already pouring in to my editorial office, why are you justifying, why are you doing this, in principle, before this, aislul and i talked, over several years they made too many proposals to her, the writer akhmat sattar, the poet also proposed marriage to a much older person, i say, do you want to clean up the ducks? go out with grandpa, well, he needs it, he needs it, she has such sacrifice, okay, no had time, akhmat ai, unfortunately, died, a few years later she comes to me, she tells me, kamal confesses his love to the artists , what to do, she is also much older, well, in principle, if you want, i say, you can marry him, because what he says, well, he speaks like that in everyday life, he needs help, he ’s like that, he’s an artist, again sa