and early this morning when alson parker was shot and killed, as she was reporting a story live on the at wdbj, it was her friend kimberly mcbroom who was in the anchor chair who was watching, live, shocked. we won't show anything graphic here. we do not need to broadcast murder, especially one that the murderer wanted to be broadcast. but this was the live interview that alison parker was doing when she was shot and killed this morning. because it was a live shot, her dear friend and colleague who was anchoring this morning's broadcast from the studio, and everybody else watching the newscast at home, everybody saw the crime as it happened. confused and stunned and fearing the worst and not understanding. alison park he, 24 years old when she was killed today. her cameraman adam ward you a also killed of he was just engaged and planning his wedding to another employee at wdbj. a third victim of the shooting today was the woman being interviewed on the air. her name is vicki gardener, a local fwl the claim better of commerce. she's survived. she went through surgery today and she is ex