the scope includes a new 3 car garage, facade alteration jz new 2 to 3 story roof deck. jan 21, 2015 [inaudible] reviewed the project and request td additional review and comment before the architectural review committee. there is concern over the gable window [inaudible] size scale and design of new addition and court yard or light cort in the rear yard. to address the condition concern the project smaunser made the modification including removal of the rear subgrade light cort, addition of a small window on front facade [inaudible] regrading and terrace to the rear yard to from the new addition. alignment of the second story rear addition with the rear ajaistant neighbors house. reduction of hited of the third story nof rear addition. revision to the rear facade with less facade and more wall surface. incorporation of a one [inaudible] hyphen connection to separate existing residence and new addition on west and east facade and revision to the gable window on the front facade from 2 panel to single panel window matching the window on the sebld floor. april 1, the arc r