it provides heads-up display data for while you are on the hill, speed, time, temperatures, altud, jump air time. >> you put your goggles on and down there at the bottom, you can see how fast you are going, how high you jumped. >> with a glance down, out of your normal field of view but in your full field of view. it is a user choice. you look down when you feel it is safe and you can be connected to, the world is infinite. you can be on social media, connect to your smart phone to third-party cameras, to heart rate monitors. there are already apps being developed. >> one thing you said earlier that i thought was so cool. once you jump, depending on how high, you set your limits, it immediately posts to facebook. >> you can set a trigger so you can share with the world your achievements. >> i love the automatic trigger. if you didn't do that well, it doesn't go anywhere. >> set your thresholds high. >> and it has gps. >> we have buddy tracking. you can track any of your friends with the mobile app. >> so cool. let's move on now. a light bulb. >> yes, a light bulb. this is tracy bilbo an