general altynov himself never admitted guilt. you that at the time of filming the program in tyumen, six illegally obtained crusts were confiscated. boss management area, cooperation , the investigation gives confessions on the topics that were presented to six. and also, the superior area also cooperates with the investigation and. for those episodes that were brought against the accused and gave a confessional testimony, concluding the criminal activities of his head of the department of the state security directorate for the tyumen region, at this time measures have been taken to establish all the property of the accused, their loved ones, relatives, in whose name the property actually owned may have been registered we are accused, and measures are being taken to seize this property; documents have been sent to the court; in the meantime, the arrested head of the state traffic safety inspectorate of the tyumyan region: alexander silyunin is in the pre-trial detention center, participating in investigative actions, changes have