and even though we send the alu unit and the tender loin police station permit officer a copy of the a. bc protest we send to abc. see the letter from the abc dated december the 21st 2012. our request conditions have not been met, so, our protest is still valid. so, there is no excuse why the alu should not have had a copy of our protest. we look forward in continuing our conversation with 34 mason. thank you. >> thank you. >> is there any other member of the public that would like to speak on this item? seeing none, public comment is closed. colleagues we have an application before us and we have a number of conditions, that have been outlined by the san francisco police department, 12 conditions to be specific. is there a motion on this item? >> quick comment here. i am going to thank the public for coming out for this, mostly in support of this application. and i see that the applicant and his home was reaching out to the community as evidenced today with the arrival of people from the community and also reaching out to the supervisors. i would like to make a motion to pass this r